Yes, I am going against what people have said but this most likely will not be a seperate center, rather, a sub-grouping/sub-division of a larger sub-site as I've come to a couple of realizations about the potential it has.
Anyone interested in helping me?
Normal (two sub-divisions: Clear Time, Watts), Challenges (all timed: x:xx), Score Attack, Time Attack, Eternal, Bosses
*Not sure about Eternal. Once I unlock it in the first mission, I’ll see if it should be added or not…
Update: I unlocked Eternal for like Mission 20 or so. Basically, what happens is there are no time limits and you can take as long as you like, going as you see fit to locate all of the level’s Elebits. You can quit at any point in the game and your scores are recorded. Each stage has a maximum amount of Elebits hidden in the stage. To determine this max and to get high on the tables will be very difficult for later levels as for some it’ll take more than half an hour to do, without question. But this makes it for great competition which is why I am adding the Eternal missions to the list.
All (see: above; unless otherwise stated)
Mission 1: My Room
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
-Challenge (Max: 0:30; I got 0:26) (Times will be really close here. Think Sonic 1, GHZ)
Mission 2: Elebits in the Closet
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 3: Mom and Dad’s Room
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 4: Elebit Mischief
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 5: The Silent Kitchen
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 6: Quiet in the Living Room
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 7: Living Room Ghost? (Boss: Clear Time)
Mission 8: The Search
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 9: Mischief Yet Again
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 10: Black Elebits
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 11: Shadow in the Garage
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 12: My Town
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 13: World Without Weight
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 14: The Secret Room
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 15: Totally Topsy-Turvy
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 16: Big To-Do in Town
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 17: Battle at the Station (Boss: Clear Time)
Mission 18: To the Amusement Park!
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 19: An Elebit State of Mind?!
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 20: Fancy Some Candy?
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 21: Puzzle Panic
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 22: Fairy Tale Time
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 23: X-Mas Come Early (Boss: Clear Time)
Mission 24: A Spaceship Fantasy
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 25: Shopping in Style
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 26: My Favorite Hero Show
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 27: Me and My Little War
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 28: Me, Elebits, and Fate?
-Normal/Clear Time
-Score Attack
-Time Attack
Mission 29: We’re All Buddies (Final Boss: Clear Time)
*All stats are to be done in Story Mode.
Need to re-examine a few things and I need to set the record straight for rules.
edit: Need to check out the following things and may need to place restrictions.
Hidden Items:
Alpha Wave Unit
Aroma Unit
Berserk Elebits
Extreme silence
High power mode
Limit Release
Main unit only
Permanent Homing laser
Permanent Vacuum laser
Worn Capture Gun
Rare Items:
Auto Repair System
Camouflage Unit
Capture Range Expansion
Fixed Radar Unit
Item Boost Unit
Repair Unit
Sensible Shoes
After diligent efforts, I finally located the Elebits Music! Would anyone like the link to DL it?