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Author Topic: sup  (Read 30089 times)

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Offline thaparagod

« on: May 21, 2007, 03:30:18 pm »
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 02:49:02 am by thaparagod »

Offline Bilan

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Re: sup
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2007, 03:36:40 pm »
Hi :o
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline CodeGirl

Re: sup
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2007, 03:38:48 pm »
In reference to the comment on one of your stats, "Do you allow robots on this site?" Who knows.  But don't expect to fool them if they are allowed.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: sup
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2007, 03:53:57 pm »

She's alive!

Also hello and welcome person with Paragod's IP.

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline thaparagod

Re: sup
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2007, 03:54:12 pm »
Hi ricebol!

and I was just jokingly asking if you allow robots on the site,  I was implying that it seems to me like it would take a damn robot to play so flawlessly to get 1:39 =P

I don't know what you mean about fooling them part, but if your saying i'm trying to fool you all with fake times i'm not, I was gunna show a video with proof of my 1:14.99 but it says i gotta contact rolken first to be authorized since he doesn't trust me uploading videos.

Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: sup
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2007, 05:35:26 pm »
Wow your Paragod's friend? Hi!
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Offline thaparagod

Re: sup
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 05:56:34 pm »
sup conker,and PPA thanks for such a warm welcome =)

and yar, seeing as I do all my submitting and posting from kait's PC it's only normal that I have the same ip as him. I'd do it on mine but dialup is teh suckage and it's much easier to do it all here whilst I play on his GC cause I don't actually own sonic adventure 2.

Offline Zeupar

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Re: sup
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2007, 07:33:58 pm »
Quote from: Tha Masta's profile

WTF! Wouter Jansen is a respected player in The Elite. This is too odd...
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

Offline Waxwings

Re: sup
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2007, 07:51:20 pm »
This is a very late April Fool's joke.

Too many things are in the pipeline.

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Re: sup
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2007, 07:51:49 pm »
Okay, Tha Masta.  Turn yourself in.

Offline Stefan

Re: sup
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2007, 08:02:37 pm »
I have huge doubts about this and I believe thatin no longer than a week "Tha Masta" will say something along the lines of "Ok I'm sorry but I screwed up and needed a clean slate so I made another BS identity but it's really me paragod and I screwed up bad I know I don't know what I'm thinking".

I would almost bet on it.

Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: sup
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2007, 06:25:35 pm »
Paragod you have got to be kidding me. When I saw your Sonic vids, I wanted to be as good as you. You were like an idol in Sonic gaming. Tch, seriously, you're 13 how in the hell is that going to change you? So what? And what you just said makes you sound more ignorant than the people you just noted.
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Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: sup
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2007, 06:30:48 pm »
Just wondering, shouldn't this topic be moved to wikkity now?
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Offline Groudon

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Re: sup
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2007, 06:36:42 pm »
Just explain one thing.

What happened with paragod's times?

Offline Bilan

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Re: sup
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2007, 06:48:10 pm »
Paragod the first time you left it was a tragedy, you were a good player and you showed promise and thats why we wanted you back.

The second time it was more of the same except this time we were slightly less flustered.

Now its just plain annoying with you changing your story every few days and making alt accounts to try and start over with us.

Make up your God damn mind.

EDIT: Groudon Im going to assume that means that their no longer on the charts.

As such my diagnosis is that he felt we didnt "appreciate" them and took them down.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: sup
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2007, 06:51:41 pm »
You know in the last topic that Paragod had where he was leaving what SadisticMystic said, "This topic sucks.....maybe something ghetto like "The Masta". Proof that this was Paragod.
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Offline Rick_242

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Re: sup
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2007, 08:43:18 pm »
you cant win every bet in life now, can you? so now even you hate me huh stefan? *sigh*

this is why I hate my life

I do everything within my ability to help out OTHERS besides myself in general life, what do I get? Nothing, only negative. I dont expect to "get" anything in return for what I do, I expect some appretiation for what I do, thats it, cause im a nice person who enjoys being helpful. but noooooo, I just get screwed both ways there,  not only do I get no appretiation I get negative impacts and everyone seems to just ignore/or hate me reguardless. WHY??!?!?! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND

why do mean people who help NO ONE get so much recognition?

I have never ever had a single friend once in my 1 month from 13 years of life and its driving me crazy. its not fair. Im the "perfect" person you would want to hang out with, for reasons I said above,and I just in general act cool and just say whatever is on my mind, but it does not work. SOMEONE please explain this

And I bet no one will even reply  because they really dont give a damn about me either way cause you all are sooooooo selfish like every other single person in life.

as far as I can tell, no one gives me a chance to show how cool and nice I can be, they just disregaurd me, whatever.. Maybe im destined to never ever interact with someone, if so then fine..  screw everyone then.. :S

You do not do good things for recognition or to feel appreciated you them because you feel they are the right thing to do. You are not loved by what you do but, you are loved for your motives of doing what you did. The people with recogniton aren't mean. Through your eyes they are. There is a distinct line between ignore and hate. You group few people who may dislike you as everyone. You say you're ignored most of the time but, in reality it's because you are rarely around. If you really were hated both of your accounts would have been banned because we figured out it was you before you even poste this topic.

Your 2nd paragraph hits a little close to home. I've already told Thorn that I've gone years. Years without friends. Years. You've only gone 1 month. You think that's rough? Try years. I'm really pissed that you can't handle one month where I had to endure it for years.

You claim that you're a "perfect" person but, in reality no one is "perfect" as you say. I can explain why it doesn't work.

Quote from: life sucks
I just in general act cool and just say whatever is on my mind, but it does not work.

It's an act. You focus on what is your view than what is. You can view yourself as a cool person but, will that make you cool? No. It doesn't.

What do you mean we never gave you a chance? You've always had a chance.

You may interpret what I said however you like but, if it's not what you think it is and take it the wrong way then it's not really our fault is it? You can't blame us for things you didn't get or did. You can only have yourself to blame for not being yourself when you first met us.
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: sup
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2007, 12:24:14 am »
Plus, to add to what Rick said, Paragod many people have gone through alot harder things. You haven't had a friend for one month? Come on damnit!! Try living with the fact that one of the closest members of your family is gone. If you think that not having a friend for one month is hard then you will get nowhere in life. *sigh*... I can't believe I looked up to you. You're acting like the whole world revovles around you. Newsflash: it doesn't. Rick_242 is right. You don't do things for recognition. What's up with you? First you say you're gone, come back again then leave and do the same thing as a person named the masta? WTF????!!!!! What? So you're going to get like this because you're 13 and you don't feel like playing a freaking game anymore? A STUPID GAME!!!! Why dude? It's just a game.

I just went through something tough and very hard to go through and I didn't get all "Oh man this is hard bye forever"! Your sig. says, "If there was a game called common sense, I would never lose". My ass. I could leave saying screw this but I don't want to. So what if some people are just assholes. I don't wallow away, do I? NO! Learn it dude. If you want to be somebody then start being somebody. Shadowblast63 out.
I am the Ultimate Power in the name of destruction and chaos!

Offline Stefan

Re: sup
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2007, 08:43:49 am »
Why do you dislike me? I never, ever, ever hated you. Do you remember all those times I tried to restore your self-esteem? Make you think rationally in times of frustration and somewhat of depression... And you chastise -me- for being ungrateful? I still see things in you, but I honestly do not get your whole chapade. You always claim that you're gonna come back and be yourself, yet somehow you come up with a new backstory. Paragod, if you ever did just BE YOURSELF people wouldn't have problems.

It's frustrating and tiring to have you come up with a new story every day despite claiming you would be your real self. I don't hate anybody. Were you hated, you'd have been banned by now. Period.

Thinking I criticize you in envy is utter crap. I criticize you to try and help you. That doesn't seem to go through your head anymore. You want attention. Once it's given, screw everyone else, you're the man.

Whatever. If you don't come back and read this, it's because you never accepted help from those genuinely trying to give it to you, and rather put the blame on them.


Offline Bilan

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Re: sup
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2007, 10:18:19 am »
i can sit here and be ridiculified or go into my kitchen that has many large knifes... what should i do.. oh i know thats easy- cyazzzzz =D

I went out with someone who seriously wanted to kill her self for almost the entire time we were together, your not even considering that, your just trying to get yourself more attention. Real suicidal people do not talk about it like that.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Conker T. Squirrel

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Re: sup
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2007, 05:37:52 pm »
You know I'm Shadowblast right? Listen, I still envy your skills but come on, your a good guy. Now be a man and do what's right.
I am the Ultimate Power in the name of destruction and chaos!

Offline Waxwings

Re: sup
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2007, 06:00:58 pm »
This is tiring.

I now am half getting the feeling that Paragod is a hoax. >_>

Offline F-Man

Re: sup
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2007, 07:02:32 pm »
paragod you badly need to seek help. I feel sad for you.

EDIT: oh right, you're 12. You'll surely get out of your phase eventually then, just have to wait it out.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 07:10:17 pm by F-Man »

Offline F-Man

Re: sup
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2007, 07:02:42 pm »
ps FIRE-MAN your not my sonic god anymore, your gunna let a stupid nolifed yoshifan take your SADX championship I just know it.. well least you got a life and all so i guess I can understand.. but damn man :<
We'll see about that.

Offline JBertolli

Re: sup
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2007, 07:45:59 pm »
Seriously, just because people here "don't appreciate you" doesn't mean you should start yelling at them >_> If I were you I'd just continue competing and forget the forum. Not really, that's what you should do. I would actually annoy people the same way I think they are annoying me. Really, your being the asshole right now. And to think I thought your were cool. You were, really <_<

Offline SadisticMystic

Re: sup
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2007, 07:45:19 pm »
yes i am gone here for good now(the guys that hate me got what they wanted) because well... i am. k. if you dont beleive me or you think ill come back again then guess what, FUCK you I dont give a FUCK what you think cause youll NEVER see my again in your life here MARK MY FUCKING WORDS THAT I SWEAR MY LIFE ON which should make you happy. yes I just said the FWORD three times which is something ive never done and I hate to do, but i HAD to get my point across to you select few idiots out there.
Now how many times do you think you can swear your life away?  What happens to a life that's been sworn away, for that matter?  Who gains control of it?

oh, and...
I bet you cant:

Hit the rocket lever on metal harbor in 13.16 seconds
see below

Offline JBertolli

Re: sup
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2007, 08:20:04 pm »
Doesn't Paragod still post really good times as "Tha Masta"? That would mean he came back. That's another life gone. What is he? A cat?

And, nice, SM :o

Today at 01:44:24 am
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 08:28:32 pm by Luigikart64 »

Offline F-Man

Re: sup
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2007, 12:33:38 am »
It's great how Paragod thinks anyone should be glad to be on his "cool" list. It might have been before, when he hadn't jumped the shark.

And there's definitely something wrong with his understanding of different people's personalities if he keeps pulling out that excuse that we shouldn't act "mature" before a certain age... Heck, I guess he's just immature himself.

Offline thaparagod

Re: sup
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2007, 01:32:50 am »
yes I made this alt account because I did want to start over, the ways I foolishly acted was NOT the real me by a longshot which you already know and I saw no other way to get a clean start other than to make a new name, but some admin/mod had to go around saying "hey look, this newcomer is paragod by his ip" easily making that plan fall within an hour.

to put it simply, every time I had made an extreme quitting post(other than the first few) I just shouted out ANYTHING random whether it was untrue or mean cause I thought I was never coming back and at that point I didnt care about what people thought about me cause I felt I could never restore myself and get any respect as your everyday player. in other words.. I knew I had already screwed myself when it comes to reputation, so I wanted to look as bad as I could.

and by that I dont mean "bad***" or anything, its just.. i dunno how to explain it :/

why... I have not a clue, and it certainly the WRONG thing to do, the most wrong possible this I know.

ps rpg.. I do not want to kill myself, do not worry, it was just one of those things I said when I was in my frustrated rage as I wrote in my post cause I tried to make myself look as bad as I could

rick, I totally understand exactly what you are saying to me, but we have a couple misunderstandings, my motive of being nice and helpful is because I wanted to do it, I did not expect recognition from it directly, I was simply saying that I know some people in life have many friends and they are quite mean themselves. (Im not directing this at any of you here) what I meant was I expect people to mentally appreciate what I have done for them, not as in with a return-favor or anything, just for something to go off in their head like "hmm this kid is really thoughtful" or something like that.

also, you misread what I said about friends, I had meant I have never had one in my life, which probably had a lot to do with the problems I have had here because I felt ignored like I feel everyday in life, even though really I was not ignored, I just THOUGHT I was because of some reason.. but I understand that now

stefan every single thing you said about me is true, but I didnt intend for those things to happen and they would not be true if I had been myelf.. For the reasons in the above paragraph, I did want attention cause I didnt feel I was getting any even though I was. I know you are a very great and smart person that has always helped me much, I didnt mean to say i disliked you or anyone else .

So to sum it up like I said from the start I had created so many sidestories and posted false info about myself(Though not all of it was false) I just said forget it and started over, it did not work, "Im willing to  start clean once and for all but these guys give away my identity  so I cannot" is what was running through my head as I made my 3 "screw life" posts above cause I was really frustrated and felt as if you wouldnt let me come back. Anything I said in these type of posts were not me acting myself I just came up with any random stupid comment to try to get back at you guys for something you never did, that I did to myself.

Right now here is how I stand. I do not hate or even remotely closely hate anyone here obviously cause I have no reason to, and I want you all to realize that any post I made where I acted like a regular person is how I really am.  I have recently came to realize I have some sorts of social disorder which has plagued me for my whole life but I have made a great step towards overcoming it.  and is what made me feel as if I did not get much attention here and is the reason that I have done anything stupid that I did.

so I ask that you all forget any idiotic posts I have made one last time, and let me be myself as I should have from the beginning and I guarantee none of this will never happen again, and none of this WOULD of happened had if I had just opened my eyes and realized how things really were for me here. if it does ever happen again(it wont) you all have every right to hack my location of where live and do whatever you want to me lol.

One last chance to start COMPLETELY fresh is my request, will you accept or will you detest?

I know I cannot change the past and you should never just act like it never happed and goes away, but that is honestly all I feel I can do in this situation.. I hope that is understood

If you decline.. then I will completely understand.. but it would make me sad cause I know I can show you guys how I really am =(
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 02:18:42 am by thaparagod »

Offline thaparagod

Re: sup
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2007, 02:43:16 am »
also id like to make it clear, to anyone  probably thinking "Oh great here we go again" but I can almost assure you this time it will be different. I think what happened before was stefan would re-assure me and make me feel confident, which helped immensely, but I think my social disorder had always got the best of me, eventually  I felt like I did from the start all over again but I could never understand why, creating even more frustration. But in the past 2 weeks I have since seeked help, and I have a different(improved) feeling towards myself and others it now which is why I came back hoping you all had not given up on me, and allowed me this last chance because I think it will work..

« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 02:51:39 am by thaparagod »


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