This is an early draft of the TMMC forum rules awaiting ratification from the other staff. Hopefully this takes care of all the bad stuff.
1. Do not flame another member.
2. No images or posts containing depictions of hate speech, porn, or other bad things are allowed. Your avatar and sig may not have these things either.
3. No links to sites containing hate speech, porn, or other seedy things are allowed.
4. Do not spam.
5. Do not advertise. Posting a link to another Mega Man fan site is okay as long it does not contain things in conflict with the other rules. (We're talking about the other kinds of advertising that are real annoying.)
6. Thread necromancy is a bad thing. Please do not bump a topic that is more than 30 days old unless you have something important to mention in relation to the discussion. (Stickied threads are an exception.)
-Other things
1. Be sure you understand the competition rules before you begin competition. The link to the rules is here. If you do not understand a rule or its reason, check out the rule explanation guide in Competition Central (coming soon).