An addendum to my post in the other topic:
Misty Maze is still physically improbable, but by god is it beautiful.
Also I'm really liking Mighty's shield hax. And the ability to go into a spin from a free-fall (though I'm unsure about the fact that it shares a button with character special abilities). And the fact that we actually have to work for Chaos Emeralds for once.
As for problems. The little Sonic icons in the special stages haven't been edited for other characters. I also find the Extended camera to be a bit...I dunno, jerky? Maybe I'm just not used to it, though. Mighty and possibly Sonic's full speed running animations are jerky when running on slopes (haven't tried Shadow yet). Minor things, really.
I was unsure about the A button being use for both spinning from a free-fall and special abilities, but after more play it really doesn't seem to be an issue.
Sonic doesn't have the jerky running animation on slopes, but both Shadow and Mighty definitely do. Some frames are just off by a pixel or so.
Also, it seems that all 1-up jingles screw up the bass line of the Misty Maze 1 music (which is a shame because wherever that's from it's amazing).
These are all minor problems, mostly cosmetic, but that's just the kind of person I am. =P
Also, my thoughts on Super forms:
Super Sonic is really lol, especially when you can literally fly over whole levels.
I feel Super Mighty should be able to just use all shield abilities indefinitely in midair or something (rather than just once per jump), since normal Mighty is actually superior in this respect (if you're good at shield switching). In fact, Super Mighty really can't do anything (besides the Super Killall) Super Sonic can't do, only he has to have the shields, and doesn't have a homing attack or light dash.
Super Shadow is definitely my favourite super form to play as. I have to give credit for Shadow's sprite edits in general, too, especially his ending pose. Though I think his running animation should be made to cycle much slower (I have no idea if this is easy or even possible, though).
[EDIT] The Continue screen sprite hasn't been edited for Shadow or Mighty, nor has the pallette.