Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

What constitutes a proper boss time?

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I know this sounds like a stupid question, but something has recently been brought to TSC during a chat session on Monday. There is a glitch (very recently discovered by someone on gamefaqs) in Sonic 06 in which you can get a real fast time on Egg Wyvern without actually damaging him. This is the only game so far in which such a strange thing occurs. (The team battle glitch in SH does not apply since it still fulfills the knock everyone out of the ring win condition.) This brings up the question we should discuss. What course of action should we take and why? Here's our options.
1. Merely getting the clear screen is enough.
2. You must bring the hit points of the boss to zero.


--- Quote from: Competition Rules ---Time is counted until the timer stops. Usually this is when the egg capsule is broken or the end flag is hit, although it may apply to other events; for example, in Wing Fortress Zone, time stops when the screen fades.

--- End quote ---

By current ruling its perfectly acceptable to perform said glitch as the timer stops and displays the boss clear screen. Theres wackier tricks than this out there~ Also effy submitted a time where he used it anyway IIRC?

I did use it but that's beside the point.

Personally, I thought since the stage is clear, it counts. Only problem is that it'll make competition pretty dull.

I just used the glitch on my latest run (not submitted) and its about half a second behind the record. I have two issues with the glitch.
1. Where's the sense of accomplishment in the boss run when you abuse a glitch to clear the boss instead of actually bringing its health to zero yourself.
2. As F-Man says, it makes competition dull. The use of this "auto clear glitch" takes the skill out of competiting in the affected boss battle.

I don't think the dullness of the strategy should enter into it.

If you're actually not beating the boss then there's another issue to be looked at, preferably by those that actually know the game.


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