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Sonic the Fighters: Settings to be used

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Metal Sonic's attacks do a lot of damage, plus that drill dash attack (when he goes across the arena)
blocks any other attacks that might be hitting him. Other than that, he doesn't cheat.
Oh, and AI depends on the programmer, not on the system. Very old systems would be limited, though.

Speaking of StF, I should get my all clear time written down. I should also play a little for each stage.
(Yeah, and I should play SA more. And I should do this. And that. And...)

Shadow Jacky:
metal sonic is a cheating mother fucker and I dont give a damn what anyone says.

this game reminds me of early VF gameplay with the button layouts and moves (hell even Yu Sazuki had a hand in it...just not much because I believe metal sonic wouldn't have been so cheap).

well ok I might take that back, I mean he does remind me of Dural, but even she wasn't a complete cheap ass and you could actually beat her if you had the skills.  Also anther thing is the GC controller isn't that great for this game, I mean I'm trying to do specific moves and having some problems doing them.  Also I really wish this was more of a thought out fighter...nothing like VF is today, but at least some balance.  Sure this was a fun little title for arcades, but damn I'm sure I didn't want to waste a bunch of quarters just to learn I cant win because the AI is cheap.  (I mean what fighting game have you played that you can be thrown while attacking?) 

anyway when I play as everyone, my times are going to be bad...really fucking bad.

Well, he was pretty easy to beat using Sonic (which never happened before), but he was a nightmare with Tails, as you can tell by my All time.  Half the time, I try the cheapest way to win (by picking him up and dropping him) and I get pwned because Tails either punches or misses the grab by just a few pixels.  And whenever I try that up+punch move, when Tails would land on MS when he releases his charge attack, Tails gets nailed and MS is unscathed.

And yeah, I have a lot of trouble performing some moves as well, as I just mentioned by the grab.


--- Quote from: Groudon on February 23, 2007, 06:36:01 am ---Well, he was pretty easy to beat using Sonic (which never happened before), but he was a nightmare with Tails, as you can tell by my All time.  Half the time, I try the cheapest way to win (by picking him up and dropping him) and I get pwned because Tails either punches or misses the grab by just a few pixels.  And whenever I try that up+punch move, when Tails would land on MS when he releases his charge attack, Tails gets nailed and MS is unscathed.

And yeah, I have a lot of trouble performing some moves as well, as I just mentioned by the grab.

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Tails should be one of the people how has the easiest times against MS. His dodge is actually one that will get him out of Metal Sonic's grab range, its fast enough for MS neutral not to follow. Just abuse dodging a lot.

--- Quote from: Shadow Jacky ---metal sonic is a cheating mother fucker and I dont give a damn what anyone says.

this game reminds me of early VF gameplay with the button layouts and moves (hell even Yu Sazuki had a hand in it...just not much because I believe metal sonic wouldn't have been so cheap).

well ok I might take that back, I mean he does remind me of Dural, but even she wasn't a complete cheap ass and you could actually beat her if you had the skills. Also I really wish this was more of a thought out fighter...nothing like VF is today, but at least some balance.  Sure this was a fun little title for arcades, but damn I'm sure I didn't want to waste a bunch of quarters just to learn I cant win because the AI is cheap.  (I mean what fighting game have you played that you can be thrown while attacking?)
--- End quote ---
The AI in Sonic the Fighters is not cheap, in fact generally they are retard. They are good at backstepping and crouching moves but thats about it. The Bean, Tails and Sonic are the best AI in the game and the others kind of suck. Metal Sonic is a boss, and therefore is overpowered, but there are many ways around him. I am not sure about Metal Sonic's moveset and I am sure in the hands of a human he would be unstoppable. But the MS's AI is not that brilliant though. You can just abuse some simple tactics to get passed him, though he is whats keeping my Bean score from being as good as I would like it.

Amazingly this game is a well thought out fighter. Its a little hard to see at first, the Catch up system kinda hides this fact from 'decent' players. There are a lot of defense tactics that the AIs like to use, but they are predictable to skilled players. I must say that perhaps it is not as well thought out for speed runs than other games but I dont think that was what it was meant for. Its mainly made for player versus player. The game is actually extremely brilliant. For a 3d fighter in 1996 you have a wide variety of offensive and defensive tactics, a decent amount of attacks, unique and semi-balanced characters and decent strategy and spacing tactics involved. Very beautifully made, and underrated game.


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