Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic the Fighters: Settings to be used

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Plus itd be a huge waste of 599 US dollars <_<

Just clarifying:

You do know that the only time you can take for the level is the time the game gives to you, right?

For individual levels, it gives you the level time on all of them except Robotnik's Hanger.  There, your final level time is not displayed.  You have to take the time remaining on the clock and subtract that from 15 seconds.  And like Thorn said, changing the rankings to rank those times as highest=record would screw up the calculating for the total.

As for All, it takes the total time you've been fighting.  So if you take 30 minutes fighting Metal Sonic, those 30 minutes will be added to the All total.


--- Quote from: Groudon on February 18, 2007, 10:28:53 am ---Robotnik's Hanger
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: TSC CONSTITUTION, READ IT BITCH ---If you’re pressing Submit on your third one-liner in a row, you might want to stop and think about the quality of what you’re posting.
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--- Quote from: PsyBorg ---
--- Quote from: Groudon ---Robotnik's Hanger
--- End quote ---

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--- Quote from: PsyBorg ---I can't beat MS that fast either... heh, it took me 15 min iirc... usually it takes a bit longer >.>
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: PsyBorg ---I have a good strat, I just fail to execute it perfectly.
--- End quote ---

Well?  Do we get to do evil things to you as punishment?
* Thorn is shot instead.


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