Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

S3&K special stage inclusion?

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This thread isn't meant to be a popularity contest, it's a discussion.


I think competition in the S2 special stages is stupid, and no one even really bothers to compete. I think it will be the same way with the s3k stages, but worse.

I´m against it too.
Most of the stages are really trivial to get a perfect bonus in, with few exceptions (#4 or #5 of S&K, the one where you run on blue spheres all the time).

Stanski: I plan on competing in the S2 specials soon, but i don´t know if i can be bothered to go for top scores (meaning those that would challenge yours ^^).

Hell, while we're at it, let's rank the amount of blue spheres you can get too! I mean you can compete on that right?


I do believe yse nailed it on the head.

The only special stage I can't be arsed to perfect is S&K #4, because frankly it's a waste of time. And the others are so easy I could perfect most of them when the games came out, and I was only 8-going-on-9 when I got S&K.

EDIT: Also I find it sad to say that I think some nub in the channel or somewhere suggested that blue spheres be tracked. :(


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