Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

S3&K special stage inclusion?

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The discussion (a continuation from IRC) is whether blue sphere ring records should be included on the site. Commence controversy~

edit: Points for and against-

-Low difficulty
-Game encourages maxing
-Lack of competition
-Not an Act

-Of comparable difficulty to rankings on the site
-Offers opportunity for achievement
-Might as well

-Game encourages maxxing in S2 Acts too with same bonus

* Thorn wonders if he even has the right to post, as he was in that IRC convo...


--- Quote from: Thorn on February 15, 2007, 04:29:20 pm ---For:
-Game encourages maxxing in S2 Acts too with same bonus
--- End quote ---
That is irrelevant, as those are completely normal Acts and you aren't supposed to go out of your way to collect every Ring in the level, even if it's possible to do that.

The perfect bonus earned by collecting all of the available Rings in the S3&K Special Stages is trivial to earn, and the SS's were made with the intention of the player getting every single Ring during normal play. You don't even need to be competing at all to go on and get all the Rings, and it's very easy to do normally.

The point isn't simply that they aren't Acts, but that Acts are well-suited for competition by their nature and are always ranked. Those special stages are intentionally simple to max the Rings out on and you're even encouraged to do so naturally, something that doesn't hold true for any of the regular Acts.


--- Quote from: eredani aren't supposed to go out of your way to collect every Ring in the level, even if it's possible to do that...
--- End quote ---

And you are supposed to in S3&K?  A bonus is a bonus, no matter the location.  You said it yourself, "out of the way".  Just because it's not as far away in the Special Stages doesn't mean it's not out of the way.  The game has a way of scaring you away from Special Stage perfects, by speeding the stage up and making it easy to lose control.

I won't get anywhere going back and forth with you, as we're giving each other the same reasons repeatedly.  I just wanted both the argument and the counter to be visible to the forum.

Shouldn't this thread be a poll?

I vote no, for what little it's worth. I guess I just agree with Thorn more. It's not necessarily REALLY easy in all cases, but we would end up with tons of joint 1sts, more than I feel would be desirable.


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