Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

S2006: Differences between difficulties and how they will be handled by TSC

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On second thought (read: after trying them out) I don't really care if they are counted or not. It's not a big deal.

We can have them listed but they won't be worth points, something like that.

It's not something I'd want to force people to buy. They're not bad, but they're generally 'interesting' rather than fun and they're going to be annoying to compete in. I was awed by them at first but it's a fickle and short-lived pleasure. (It's still Sonic06 after all.)

Plus I missed the fact that these come with the game, we're just downloading the ability to play them.


--- Quote from: eggFL on February 10, 2007, 08:50:02 pm ---Plus I missed the fact that these come with the game, we're just downloading the ability to play them.

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Are there more modes of play that can be unlocked only through downloads that we currently know of?


--- Quote from: Kooky the Badgerowl on February 10, 2007, 07:52:13 pm ---Yeah as I just ranted in chat, basically, if these go up, Im not competing. Im not shelling out more money which I cant afford to waste on some extras just so that I can be on equal footing with everyone else.

--- End quote ---

If you're going to have that attitude then you may as well never buy another Sonic game, ever.

Because, you know, you're just shelling out more money which you can't afford to waste on some games just so that you can be on equal footing with everyone else.

You could also say that, by this logic, any chart entirely or almost entirely based on luck (hello hunting stages and rings in games with ? boxes) shouldn't be included, because it's unfair to force people to invest the huge amounts of time required to do very well on them just as it's supposedly unfair to force people to invest small amounts of money in order to compete on extra other divisions.

And then you might as well say that ALL competition is invalid, because you have to invest time and effort in order to compete at all, and not everyone can do that, and if everyone can't do that then it's unfair, right?

I've seen the random rings issue debated here before. The argument against was basically "It's ridiculous to expect people to spend all that time", the argument for was "If you aren't be prepared to invest that time then that's a sign you don't deserve to be on equal grounds with those that are". There's absolutely no reason at all this shouldn't apply to money.

It's utterly retarded to suggest that things shouldn't be included purely because they're downloadable content, regardless of other criteria.

Y'know, it might seem a weird concept, but I actually buy games for FUN, and because I enjoy playing them, NOT specifically so that I can compete with you guys here. As it stands, being able to compete with you guys is a nice little extra when I buy various games, but not anymore.

I cannot be fucked to write a huge post, Ive just woke up, so to summarise, Ive just realised what a massive waste of 3 years Ive spent TAing, so Im off to like, do something constructive with life, or something?

Laters guys.

The problem with including Very Hard mode in the rankings is that you cannot fill up all of your stats unless you pay for the extra content. Every other game that is up on the site does not have this problem. I object to ranking Very Hard mode because of that, and also because it's causing stupid crap when it comes to TSC.

Of course, I don't think anyone would have a problem with ranking the content if it was free. :[ Money is such a touchy issue. It all boils down to what you want to support with your money.


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