Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

S2006: Differences between difficulties and how they will be handled by TSC

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--- Quote from: knuckles_sonic8 on February 10, 2007, 06:59:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: Thorn on February 10, 2007, 02:12:35 pm ---We don't track Super Hard times in Heroes, or Expert times in Shadow.  I think that despite the alternate method of obtaining the difficult stages in S2006, it's still the same concept.

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Same here.


--- Quote from: knuckles_sonic8 on February 10, 2007, 06:59:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: Thorn on February 10, 2007, 02:12:35 pm ---We don't track Super Hard times in Heroes, or Expert times in Shadow.  I think that despite the alternate method of obtaining the difficult stages in S2006, it's still the same concept.

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Oh please don't agree to that if you don't know how it works. In Heroes and Shadow, expert mode was all levels one after the other and next to no way to tell what time you got.

In Sonic The Hedgehog, you select and level and get this menu:

[*]Normal[*]Hard[*]Very Hard[/list]

Each one listing your best time, rings and score. This is the same reason why we'll be ranking all three of those categories for bosses as well which we didn't do in most other games. Everything is ranked perfectly in-game. And that is why it is not the same concept.

If it was, then we wouldn't rank regular Hard mode at all.

P.S. ks8, Link @ Sonic CulT finally released a network client for the full version of Sonic Riders.


--- Quote from: Thorn on February 10, 2007, 02:12:35 pm ---We don't track Super Hard times in Heroes, or Expert times in Shadow.  I think that despite the alternate method of obtaining the difficult stages in S2006, it's still the same concept.
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The reason hard mode isn't ranked for those games is because the times aren't saved, and there's no completion screen available to show the achieved time. If the final time was shown at level completion then there would be rankings for Super Hard- and Expert mode on TSC, like the SA2 Mission 5's are.

The Very Hard Mode in Sonic 06 is an expansion of the original game, and they should be allowed, as is the case with Sonic & Knuckles lock-on charts for Sonic 2 and 3.


--- Quote from: eredani ---The Very Hard Mode in Sonic 06 is an expansion of the original game, and they should be allowed, as is the case with Sonic & Knuckles lock-on charts for Sonic 2 and 3.
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I don't think they're expansions in the same sense, but whatever.  If we're going down that road, then why can't Sonic CD players compete in all time periods?  PC users in particular can click a menu option and turn the time posts off, and others can just clear out the posts on the path they want, then restart the level.

Okay, everyone seems to have their reasons, and since Rolko likes the idea, I guess I'll buy MS Points tomorrow.  I really don't think these rankings should carry any weight (I pity dial-up users who need to DL these levels), but I suppose that more competition is what TSC is about.

Yeah as I just ranted in chat, basically, if these go up, Im not competing. Im not shelling out more money which I cant afford to waste on some extras just so that I can be on equal footing with everyone else.


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