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S2006: Differences between difficulties and how they will be handled by TSC

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It is quite fortunate that Rolken has not been paying attention to S2006 as of now, for a new download has just been released for S2006 that could have an impact on the way we compete. If you haven't heard the news, there is now a mode called Very Hard, which is downloadable at the price of 200 Microsoft Points per character. You're probably thinking, "Sega? Hard? Yeah right." or "Cheap bastards." Sure, both may be true to a certain extent, but the question here is not about the actual difficulty of the stages, but rather about what impact Very Hard should have on TSC rankings. I have only been able to play Sonic's missions so far, but I assume these differences also are similarly present in the Very Hard missions for Shadow and Silver.

Let's look at what seperates this from Normal and Hard:

-Stages now have a total maximum time bonus of 100000. Now consider the amount of enemies we have in these stages, and we have a MASSIVE score attack difference between Very Hard and the other modes.

-Some stages are actually played in a different fashion. This affects Time Attack as well as Score Attack capabilities. Let's use Wave Ocean as an example; part 1 begins at the end and ends at the beginning, although if you use Sky Gem (aka Gun Drive), you can simply hit the gate to get out of the stage. (Yeah, silly Sega, I know.) Another fine example is Sonic's Tropical Jungle, where after the usual stuff of part one, we are not sent to the regular part 2; instead, we are sent to a version of the Tropical Ruin which is accessible to the Sonic/Elise combo; this drastic change from the original Tropical Jungle would really change the way we play this stage. Oh, and there are other new changes too;  Flame Core is completed in reverse stage order, Dusty Desert is played without Elise, and a whole other assortment of random changes in stages.

-Some passages that were once accessible by glitch are now blocked. As of now, the only place where I experienced this was Sonic's Kingdom Valley part 2, but there might be more that I don't know of.

Now, I need to ask you guys a few questions so we can solve this problem:

1. Should Very Hard be added to the current ranking plan? (I'm sure most of you will say yes, but if you have an objection, go ahead and say it)
2. How will these be ranked?
3. If we are going to rank these, should they be in freestyle because they cost MS points and would be unfair to those who can't get them, or should they simply be added to the competition flat out because they're really a major part of the competition of S2006? Which one of these quotes do you agree with?

--- Quote from: F-Man ---<F-Man> the game costs money, and then micropayments add to it
<F-Man> people shouldn't have to pay even more than regular price to have fair competition
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Rolken ---(Rolken mentioned previously that Very Hard stats have their own rankings in the game)
<Rolken> ...I see no lack of fairness in them being counted
<Rolken> you have to spend $360+ just to compete anyway
<Rolken> $8 or whatever isn't going to kill anyone

--- End quote ---

Well? What's your view on this?

Well fuck if Rolken doesn't even mind then I'm all for it.

Im quite sure the policy on downloadable content is that it doesnt get put up, only whats on the game when its released. SEE: SA1 Twinkle Circuit downloads

Yea I think its gay if your basically going to require people to shell out more money just to have a decent shot at competing properly.


--- Quote from: Kooky the Badgerowl on February 10, 2007, 01:01:19 pm ---Im quite sure the policy on downloadable content is that it doesnt get put up, only whats on the game when its released. SEE: SA1 Twinkle Circuit downloads

Yea I think its gay if your basically going to require people to shell out more money just to have a decent shot at competing properly.

--- End quote ---

My thoughts exactly. I'm pretty much against adding the download to TSC for competing.


--- Quote from: Kooky the Badgerowl on February 10, 2007, 01:01:19 pm ---Im quite sure the policy on downloadable content is that it doesnt get put up, only whats on the game when its released. SEE: SA1 Twinkle Circuit downloads
--- End quote ---
Only one of the tracks was offered to download and on Dreamcast only, and the rest required a memory editor such as Action Replay on GameCube to get. So basically this is far from being in the same vein.

Also my inquiry of adding extra twinkle circuits is still in effect, and if anyone remember my original topic, it was stated from the get-go that they wouldn't be worth any point. The same could be applied to this.


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