Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch [Resolved] (updates in first post)

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As of this post James Bertolli is on notice. I've deleted the stat in question and others may follow.

Super Azrael:
I say "All random Rings outside Target Switches and '?' Monitors DON'T count". FAIR.

Shadow Jacky:
there are no random ring counts besides with what you do with Chaotix's TB.


--- Quote from: magnum12 on December 04, 2006, 11:25:45 am ----That list is pretty good. I think you should add Ocean Palace and Hang Castle to the Extra Chaotix missions section, since stealth missions probably could benefit from TBG.
-As far as my times go, here's what I used it on. (I think I mentioned these before though.)
Seaside Hill: Both Dark missions.
Ocean Palace: Both Dark missions.
Grand Metropolis: Both Dark missions.
Egg Hawk: Dark
Egg Albatross: Sonic, Dark
Robot Carnival: Dark
Robot Storm: Dark
Egg Emperor: Dark (My 47 second time is legit.)
Metal Madness.

--- End quote ---
Yeah!Pretty is a good list,eh?

if theres anything weshould have TBG for, its the max ring missions. anything where time and score are not what you are aiming for. espicially the team chaotix ones.


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