Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic Heroes - Team Blast Glitch [Resolved] (updates in first post)

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If you've ever wondered why nothing gets done with this issue, now you know.

Okay regarding Chaotix rings. I would prefer if people actually built up their team blast meter normally, but since Thunder Shoot among other things builds up the meter even if it doesn't hit anything, that's not going to happen. (To be honest this is what I was more concerned about when I said to scrap Chaotix rings, not the randomness, so all the BS regarding "lol remove all randomness from the site" doesn't apply.)

So we're left with the decision to make people build it up slowly or quickly. Both give the same result rings-wise, but my concern here is, if TBG is allowed it'll end up leaking into the score charts and we don't need to see that. That was why I proposed the removal of the entire rings chart. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RANDOM FACTOR.

Also I find this highly apt.

[01:08:41] <Rolken> so the argument boils down to
[01:09:02] <Rolken> "we're talking about tbg. one aspect of tbg happens to be random. all this other stuff is also random. IF YOU BAN TBG YOU MUST BAN RANDOMNESS"

Blame SBW for making the connection. :/

*flees from the inevitable barrage of weaponry*

In regards to TBG for rings and Chaotix scores, I'll have to disagree. Really meticulous RAing and good time bonuses are usually incompatible with each other. The only level where I could see a potential problem is in Final Fortress (Chaotix). Then again, the enemies there are worth big points anyway, so even with your time bonus at 0, you can expect a score of at least 83000+ if you take out every enemy in optimal comboes.

Nobody said you had to meticulously RA to get on the ring charts...


Okay not once in my only post in this topic (before this post, obviously) did I mention the word "random."

I mentioned luck, because I do believe the number of rings given by each enemy is randomly determined from among 5/10/20. (I haven't played Heroes, let alone as Chaotix, in a while, so don't take my word on that.)

I may have been misconstrued, as all I was saying is that it's fairly easy, given a lot of enemies in an area and having a TB ready, to almost fully charge a TB by using the rings from that TB. (This naturally only happens with Chaotix, as the other teams' gauges slowly deplete over the effect of their TB.) Anyways, I'm leaning towards the off-topicness.

* Spinballwizard launches air strike against mike. A10 Warthogs cover the general area with napalm.

Anyways, as to TBG's effect: TBG makes what I said happen quicker, and it makes up for the rings that don't fully fill the gauge.

I didn't really say much about score charts, but I just thought of how bad it can get with Sonic:

Step 1: TBG
Step 2: Make sure you're on Sonic, TB.
Step 3: Mash the jump/attack combo near more enemies.
Step 4: Repeat.
Step 5: ...
Step 6: PROFIT!

...Yeah, that's probably all the input I give because as I said I don't really TBG.

Spinny, it's on luck because it's random... You even said it yourself, it's the randomness that determines wheither you get 5/ 10/ 20 Rings.

On the account that it's too "easy", no matter what, if you are RAing a Chaotix stage, you will use TB on every enemy in the stage, if you don't, you won't get the record. Simple as that. Sure you'll get lingering Rings from some enemies until the gauge is depleted, but it's the same as using  a TB on it. Nothing changes.

TBG doesn't make up for anything but quickness. It makes stages a lot more tolerable. Why play a 30+ Chaotix stage and ring run it and in the end find out you are like 100 Rings off the record? It's not fun, there's no skill at all so why not make something that's grueling a little be better?

Mike, on the account of it leaking to other things, well, unfortunately we aren't able to see everyone play. People may use TBG, wheither it's banned or not just to get on the rankings (but not necessarily get the record). Rule breaking it evident to some people, I know you want to minimize it as much as possible, but you have to understand, Chaotix rings is ridiculous. :/


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