Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved...again]

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I can think of a workaround for this. Since the class has been removed but the stats not, the stats should be suspended when class obsoletion takes place. In the meantime I think I'll find all stats from the currently suspended classes and suspend them myself.

There you go, deleting stuff without my permission! Er, I mean, without properly discussing it.
(Just like at Cyberscore. People go and hastily decide on rules within 2-4 days- so quickly that I miss it.)
What exactly was so terrible about the chart? There was competition. The stage isn't totally broken.
Now, I have to depend on Cyberscore for HS rankings. I'm sure everyone here would love that.
But really, a list of charts that misses an obvious and important stage is un-awesome,
and this is lowering TSC's awesomeness in the area that matters- in "the best game ever made".

Plus, deleting stuff always causes problems. Just like with deleting records instead of reducing them to nothing.


--- Quote from: Marth on March 01, 2007, 07:56:41 pm ---and this is lowering TSC's awesomeness in the area that matters- in "the best game ever made".

--- End quote ---

But it hasnt affected SPA at all :<

first off, Marth, this decision was sitting around for months with no resolution. November-March is certainly not a period of 2-4 days. This had been debated on and off forever. Keeping the chart caused mroe problems than deleting it. Nobody but you followed to newly placed rule, there was no way to prove high times perfectly, there was no resolution on the method used to record your time. Basically, this was an extremely controversial chart.

Second, hot shelter gamma is not an important chart in SADX. Removing it does not kill sa1's essence. This isn't like removing EC-S. HS-G was relatively unimportant int he scheme of things.

Third, even F-MAN, champion of SADX, voted that removing the chart was a valid option. If someone who likes sa1 that much voted to remove the stage, we can be assured that it really wasn't providing that much to TSC. The chart didn't provide much competition. Hitting a switch for 45 minutes isn't exactly the world's most involved and competitive thing. i don't really want to spend 40 minutes for a failed attempt at the boss. The stage may have had plenty of room for error and thus room to be better than another, it still really didn't provide much outside those willing to be really patient.

Removing the stage was the best choice, IMO.

I completely agree with stefan, which is why I never attempted a 99 minute run even when I knew how because I knew i'd fail majorly at the boss.

I really doubt anyone gives a damn about such a broken stage anyway, now if anyone takes away emerald coast/sonic then we're gunna have problems


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