Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved...again]

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I don't know anything about Shadow sadly so I can't compare.

But think about it, your not allowed to abuse bells and slots for ring/score attacks, why should you be able to abuse a switch for time attacks? I assume they banned the ring abuse trick because it would lead to everyone having 999 rings which is boring, this is basically the same thing where everyone has 99 minutes and the seconds are only different because they got bad luck/or have bad aim during the boss fight, which doesn't prove anything about how good they are at the level itself.

There are actually other tricks in SA(DX) that involve glitches like this that involve breaking the level, like Icecap.  A glitch is used to stop the timer, since the game would be waiting for the avalance sequence to begin.  After a long free-fall, you can run on the snowboarding part at your own pace and break the capsule with the time displayed when the time stopped (the best example of this is effy's vid).  Banning this trick just because of it's level-breaking effects would probably do the same for everything else that involves some type of glitch as a huge shortcut (Casinopolis and Lost World, just to name a few)

edit: This was in response to Crowbar.

Also, everyone would have thousands of rings, when you think about it.  The in-game count displays up to 999, but the total shown at the end goes even higher.

I'm in favor of moving the switch scalping trick to free style. To be fair to the DC version (i.e. make it so its not at a 90+ minute disadvantage), I'm also in favor of moving the Hot Shelter time freeze glitch on the GC version to free style. I'll have to move my time since I did one cycle of the trick on my time (GC version). Oh well, I had a pretty strong time (4:30+ I think) without the glitch.
Edit: Slightly off topic, but I think I also had a sub 1:00 run for Lethal Highway (Hero) without that glitch.


--- Quote from: magnum12 on November 12, 2006, 12:02:36 pm ---I'm in favor of moving the switch scalping trick to free style. To be fair to the DC version (i.e. make it so its not at a 90+ minute disadvantage), I'm also in favor of moving the Hot Shelter time freeze glitch on the GC version to free style. I'll have to move my time since I did one cycle of the trick on my time (GC version). Oh well, I had a pretty strong time (4:30+ I think) without the glitch.
Edit: Slightly off topic, but I think I also had a sub 1:00 run for Lethal Highway (Hero) without that glitch.

--- End quote ---
Um... freezing time gives more like a 10 or 15 minute advantage.
There's a limited number of checkpoints.

Anyway, the 100-minute trick could be moved to Freestyle, but what else would go there?
I say we should keep the time-freeze glitch, as it's not cheap, other than that it gives GC an advantage.
If it goes to Freestyle, it should get a separate chart from the 100-minute trick.
(Otherwise, there'd be no use for the time freeze.)

Not like it would matter if it was freestyled.


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