Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved...again]

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And in one of those weird ways, bringing attention to something for a completely different reason can bring the entire method under scrutiny. I pointed out its similarity to ring and score scalping tricks already known and banned in this and other games.

I do agree, however, that the decision was hasty, but the move on F-Man and Groudon's part to resubmit wasn't a smart move, I feel. We were (and I suppose, still are) in a transitional phase, and I know F-Man has enough records in this game to care too much about one more. ;)

I would be in favour of deleting the chart if no suitable solution can be found. It's a shame it has to come to this though...

I say use the DC version for a better achievement and submit the real time you get.

If you got something above 99 minutes and the trial says 21:55:75, obviously it means you got 121:55:75, so submit that. Can't prove it? Yes you can, make a video. Not like we require proofs here anyway.

If that doesn't work, then let's fall to trying to get as close as 99 minutes as possible, which is retarded, and generally avoided at TSC, so let's remove the stage instead.

New ruling, hopefully to settle this for good: HS-G time chart is removed entirely, as per a consensus reached by myself, mike89, and F-Man.  Now we can move on to other things.

Kind of sad for this to reach such a level that the entire stage get cut, but its for the best. The total time's still account for Hot Shelter though (will time account for this eventually?).

when someone updates a Gamma time, Hot Shelter's time effects should be eradicated from their total time. This might be a problem for someone like VMU who doesn't show up often. My HS\G was removed before and I never bothered to resubmit so I currently have a hole in Total Gamma yet I'm missing no Gamma times due to the new chart. Updating in the category should make thing right I assume.


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