Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved...again]

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that gets me wondering, should I delete my Gamma/HS time simply because I wouldn't know if I shot a switch twice accidently or not?


--- Quote from: ParaGod on November 15, 2006, 03:42:51 pm ---that gets me wondering, should I delete my Gamma/HS time simply because I wouldn't know if I shot a switch twice accidently or not?

--- End quote ---
Keep it. Why care about breaking a rule that is just so broken in itself?

In fact, I just resubmitted my real record.

See the subject of my post? Someone should do the same thing to the thread.

There must be something better that can be done. The existing rule could void just about any time.
I can't be 100% sure I didn't hit a switch twice on my run months or years ago.
(You could say, "just do it again", but I don't know if I want to, or if I could match my old time.
Also, if making everyone redo their runs is no concern, then why not just ban shooting switches entirely?)

This still seems flawed, but I support a reasonable limit on shooting switches.
Maybe it could be three shots per life (instead of 3 consecutive shots).
Or, if there's absolutely nothing that will work, we can just leave it the way it was, with no rules.

And now I'll complain more about the rules:

Also, there should be some more general rules that forbid any kind of "unlimited (whatever)" tricks.
Why was the Gamma rule added so quickly, when other rules were suggested long ago?
If "unlimited" tricks are forbidden, just say they are. It's dumb to just shoot down scores as they come.
(No digging up rings. Okay, now you can't reuse a switch for rings. Oh, and now you can't
hit a bell after making it disappear. Oh, and you can't repeat Amy's Twinkle Park for more rings. Oh, and...)

And, what's going on with the level complete rule? The Sky Deck thing should be allowed if
the Hydrocity boss skip is allowed, and maybe even if the HC glitch isn't.
So if HC is allowed, so is SD.
If HC is not allowed, SD may be allowed.
If SD is allowed, HC may be allowed.

I know thread necromancy is a sin, but the site was down :o. But this definitely is not resolved.

Anyway, can somebody tell me what was wrong with the old system? Everybody seemed perfectly content with the unlimited time system.. version differences are always allowed so I would say let everyone get a high time as possible on their system.

The problem with this new way is it's near impossible to not shoot a switch twice by accident while going for high time. It requires you don't shoot, which in the end knocks your time way, way down. It kills the whole idea of Gamma's levels.

There is NO SOLUTION for this problem, if it is one. It's just not going to happen. You can either let all times count, or delete the category.  No other way will fix this.

I first brought attention to this problem not because I thought there was anything wrong with the procedure, but because Sonic Adventure is dumb about displaying the end result.  My 118:14.11 run is displayed as either 99:59.99, 99:14.11, or 18:14.11 depending on where you look, but nowhere can you see the full 118+ minutes.  I was familiar enough with the system to know what my time was, but there's no real way to prove times above 100 minutes (with the possible hackish exception from 100-102 that I mentioned in the first post, and that requires a significant understanding of the game on the verifier's end).  It would be just fine as a 28-minute version difference if only there were actually a way to see it unambiguously as such.


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