Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

E-102 Hot Shelter and dumbness [Resolved...again]

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Omg..., how about you just subtract one second from your time for everytime you shoot a switch more than once. Accidents happen, so correct them. If you are mashing B trying to shoot the switch and shoot it more than you are able to count, well, too bad and don't do that.


--- Quote from: SadisticMystic on November 14, 2006, 10:47:43 pm ---Timestop, shoot a switch 3 times, move on, shoot the next 3 times, move on, get to the boss chamber, escape again, go back to the first switch, shoot it 3 times, and GameCube still gets to 99 minutes, but in an even more annoyingly long way.

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No one is gunna spend 97 hours getting that, and they'd eventually screw up and either die or drop in the gamma fight, but whatever if magnum's idea isn't good then sonicam properly worded what i've been trying to say all along. It should work, just like you can subtract dug up rings.


--- Quote from: sonicam on November 14, 2006, 11:37:31 pm ---Omg..., how about you just subtract one second from your time for everytime you shoot a switch more than once. Accidents happen, so correct them. If you are mashing B trying to shoot the switch and shoot it more than you are able to count, well, too bad and don't do that.

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That'd be an idea if I could actually be sure when it happens. Most of the time, I wasn't. There's not even a 1-second bonus that appears on screen (or if it does, it doesn't always appear), so you'd have to be checking the timer constantly.

EDIT: besides, not only is the rule awfully arbitrary (why forcing you do shoot switches no more than once? Why not 0, or 2, or 3, or any number at all? All are just as arbitrary as 1), but you guys are also trying to force more complicatedness into it. mike in the channel even suggested that you could shoot it more than once, but not more than once per in-game second (so if the time is frozen, you can't do it more than once). Not only could that be abused, but it is even more ridiculous. As I've said in the channel before, if you guys really are ready to make such rules for the stage, just delete the stage entirely. That'd be better and far less ridiculous than all the nonsense you're throwing at it.

Sigh, this chaos is why I think my suggestion plus no time freeze glitch is the best way to go. I know my suggestion is harsh and breaks the "if the game allows it, use it" precedent, but based on the circumstances, its nessecary and does account for an issue F-Man talked about (accidental fire plus not being sure if you hit it or not). If we only deal with one issue (time freeze or switch scalping), the stage would still be busted because of the presence of the other exploit. I think part of the problem was that we didn't discuss this soon enough. We probably should have talked about it in February. (This issue is reminding me of how we delayed doing something about TBG and now its become hard to deal with.) Stuff like this is why I believe in the "sheathed sword" tactic of leadership.
-Definition: "Sheathed sword" is a strategy talked about in Sun Tzu's Art of War. This strategy says that the best way to deal with a problem (if possible) is to find and eliminate it early (often times behind the scenes) before it grows into a much bigger one down the road.


--- Quote from: F-Man on November 15, 2006, 10:20:49 am ---
--- Quote from: sonicam on November 14, 2006, 11:37:31 pm ---Omg..., how about you just subtract one second from your time for everytime you shoot a switch more than once. Accidents happen, so correct them. If you are mashing B trying to shoot the switch and shoot it more than you are able to count, well, too bad and don't do that.

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That'd be an idea if I could actually be sure when it happens. Most of the time, I wasn't. There's not even a 1-second bonus that appears on screen (or if it does, it doesn't always appear), so you'd have to be checking the timer constantly.

EDIT: besides, not only is the rule awfully arbitrary (why forcing you do shoot switches no more than once? Why not 0, or 2, or 3, or any number at all? All are just as arbitrary as 1), but you guys are also trying to force more complicatedness into it. mike in the channel even suggested that you could shoot it more than once, but not more than once per in-game second (so if the time is frozen, you can't do it more than once). Not only could that be abused, but it is even more ridiculous. As I've said in the channel before, if you guys really are ready to make such rules for the stage, just delete the stage entirely. That'd be better and far less ridiculous than all the nonsense you're throwing at it.

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You don't really need the +1sec indicator to appear on the screen to know that you acquired one second added to your time. There is a certain jingle that indicates that a second has been added to the timer. If you hear more than one, then you hit it more than once and/or more than one second was added.

If this switch is really that much of a big deal, don't shoot it, step on it.

If everything still is a huge problem, then erase the stage like F-Man said because if Groudon says that the rules are "lenient" (which they aren't, one centisecond is very important to competitions, look at ParaGod's new Green Hill SA2B time vs. Cybrax's 3 year record, centiseconds matter), then I'm sure other people well/do feel the same way, then get rid of it.


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