There are tons of things. I tried it only a little on an emulator...
*starts emulator*
"SEGAA-" <----clipped sound sample like out of Sonic Blast!?!?!?
Then, this flat title screen comes up, and it's not animated or anything.
And then, I start the game to find out that it runs at about 70% speed, which was even
worse than I expected.
And it's all glitchy and uneven, and the background is flickering and disappearing.
And then, the most crappiest and most funniestest part is probably right at the end of the first act:
*spins signpost*
*music plays: "da-da-DAAA-da da-da-DAAA-da..."*
*background flickers on and off with near-perfect timing to match the music: (0 for off, and 1 for on)
"0-1-0000-1 0-1-0000-1 0-1-0000-11111-0-1-0-1110101010101010101"
(It's hard to explain, but basically, it turns on or off with each note, and on the last note, it flickers rapidly and steadily.)