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Game Stage Preferences


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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Game Stage Preferences
« on: October 22, 2006, 12:26:25 pm »
Curious to know, what's everyone favorite stage in each game they either have, have player, or participate in?

It can be per game, or it can be more broad like "Best Casino Stage", or "Best Eggman Base Stage", for example, or something along those lines.
You can list your least fav's if you want, too.

Here are mine (probably will edit later for ones I haven't filled in):

Sonic 1: Green Hill (that's a given :P); Least: None I guess...

Sonic 2: Two great stages... Emerald Hill/Mystic Cave; Least: None - like 'em all!

Sonic 3: Haven't made it that far in S3 so can't make a clear decision....

SA/SADX: Emerald Coast; Least: Lost World (...everyone will ridicule me :P)

SA2/SA2B: Hard to say... Metal Harbor/White Jungle; Least: ???

Heroes: Grand Metropolis; Least: Lost Jungle

SCD: Palmtree Panic; Least: Stardust Speedway - Act 3

SADV3: Cyber Track; Least: Toy Kingdom

SADV2: Can't make a fair decision yet....

Drift 2: Milky Way; Least: Quake Cave

Chaotix: Marina Madness; Least: Amazing Arena

Fighters: Canyon Cruise; Least: Magic Carpet

Sonic R: Radical City; Least: Regal Ruin

Riders: SEGA Carnival/Splash Canyon; Least: Digital Dimension/Babylon Guardian

   Stage->Riot Train; Least: Fire Bird
   Mini-Games->Fun Fun Sonic (VS 4); Least: Frosty Rumble
                       Bucket O Rings (2 VS 2); Least: Shoddy
                       Eggbot's Attack/Gargantua(1 VS 3); Least: Sonicooking
                       Ring Tide (Stage-Specific); Least: Thru the Tunnel
                       Sky Diving (Stage Clear); Least: Earth Quake

Favorite City Stage: Grand Metropolis (Heroes)/Metal City (Riders); Least: ???

Favorite Hunting Stage: Meteor Herd (SA2)/Speed Highway (SA); Least: Casinopolis (SA)

Favorite Casino Stage: S2 (Name escapes me...)/BINGO Highway (Heroes); Least: ???

Favorite Jungle Stage: Frog Forest (Heroes); Least: Lost Jungle (Heroes)

Favorite Eggman Base Stage: Final Egg (SA/SADX)/Final Fortress (Heroes); Least: ???

Favorite Boss Stage: Team One (Heroes); Least: Egg Albatross (Heroes)

Favorite Special Stage: S2/Heroes/S3; Least: ??? (Leaning towards Chaotix probably... :P)

Favorite Green Hill Stage: Battle (Probably would change to SA2B but haven't unlocked it yet....); Least: None - like 'em all!

What about the rest of you? This should be interesting, I'm sure. Wonder who has common likes and dislikes to everyone else?

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Offline Bilan

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 02:21:23 pm »

Sonic 1: Labyrinth

Sonic 2: Sky Chase for music, Mystic Cave otherwise

Sonic 3: Icecap FTFW

Sonic & Knuckles: Death Egg.

SA/SADX: Twinkle Circuit >_>

SA2/SA2B: Route 101 <_<

Heroes: Frog Forest

SCD: Palmtree Panic

SADV3: Sunset Hill

SADV2: Techno Base

Adv1: Ice Mountain

Chaotix: Botanic Base

Sonic R: Radiant Emerald

Favorite City Stage: Radical City

Favorite Hunting Stage: Security Hall

Favorite Casino Stage: Casinopolis

Favorite Jungle Stage: Frog Forest

Favorite Eggman Base Stage: Hidden Base

Favorite Boss Stage: Far too many to choose from

Favorite Special Stage: See above
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline X-5

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 06:29:10 pm »
S1- Starlight
S2- Hill top
SA- Speed highway(Sonic)
SA2- Crazy Gadget
City- City escape, but i'm sure everyone already knew that.

Special- S3 Blue Spere thing, especially when you use S/K to lock onto random games for insanely hard setups that I usually can't get past the first 2 levels.

Now the levels I don't like or absolutely hate:

S1- Labryinth- I have never liked water levels in ANY game, espcially in ones where it's easy to die.

S2- Oil Ocean- It's just a big long boring maze of a level to me

S3- Marble Garden- Far to often have I been stuck because I jumped off those speed pad things  and had to find another one.

SA- Final Egg(Sonic)- Slow paced, and when your time attacking it the only shortcuts it has are stupid glitches that make the level pretty much done before it starts, or a falling glitch where you never land where your supposed to.

SA2- Excluding ALL the hunting levels, i'd have to say Cannons Core, it just sucks because there's not alot to do.

Offline magnum12

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2006, 08:07:24 pm »
-By game
SA: Favorite: Final Egg (Sonic). Least: Ice Cap (Big).
SA:2 (not that its a good game): Favorite: Radical Highway. Least: Mad Space
Heroes: Favorite: Grand Metropolis. Least: Casino Park (I hate pinball levels.)
Shadow: Favorite: Sky Troops (Last Way is close second. Least: The Doom.
-By category
Mission based: Favorite: The destroy critical structure/enemy hero missions in Shadow. Least: Mad Matrix (Dark)
Speed: Favorite: Final Egg (Sonic), followed by Sky Troops. Least: Casino Park
Shooting: Favorite: Hot Shelter (Gamma) followed by Cosmic Wall. Least: Hidden Base (dang lousy camera).
Hunting: Favorite: They all suck, but Speed Highway is the least offensive. Least: Mad Space
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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2006, 08:14:18 pm »
Sonic 1: Crap Brain (tehehehehehe)

Sonic 2: Metropolis

Sonic 3: Any stage, pretty much.

Sonic & Knuckles: See above.

SCD: Wacky Workbench/Metallic Madness

SAdva1: Egg Rocket

SAdva2: Techno Base

SAdva3: Ocean Base

SR: Reactive Factory

SADX: Hot Shelter

SA2B: ...huh what

SH: Rail Canyon/Final Fortress

Shadow: Any stage, really. But if you want a specific answer, Lava Shelter.

SRi: All of them.

Favorite City Stage: Westopolis

Favorite Hunting Stage: I hate all of them.

Favorite Casino Stage: Casinopolis

Favorite Jungle Stage: Lost Jungle

Favorite Eggman Base Stage: see answer for Shadow

Favorite Boss Stage: All of them.

Favorite Special Stage: I hate all of them.

Favorite Green Hill stage: The original (act 1)
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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2006, 09:54:01 pm »
Heh, I'm surprised this topic hasn't been done more often. *goes to GHZ to get long list of Sonic games, as Thorn can't remember what he owns*
Wall of text ahead:

Sonic 1: Star Light
Sonic 1 GG: Sky Base
Sonic 2 GG: Green Hills (Sonic CD Japan ftw)
Sonic 2: Metropolis
Sonic CD: ...this is tough, can I throw three acts together?  QQ1, SS3, MM2.
Sonic Chaos: Mecha Green Hill (pseudo-Sonic CD ft pseudo-w)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Flying Battery
Sonic Drift: Labyrinth Red
Sonic Spinball & (GG): Lava Powerhouse
Sonic Triple Trouble: Sunset Park
Wacky Worlds: Jungle area (yeah, I said Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio, what's it to you, heh)
Sonic Drift 2: Casino Night
Chaotix: Speed Slider
Tails' SkyPatrol: Rail Canyon
Tails Adventure: Polly Mt. 1
Sonic Labyrinth: Labyrinth of the Factory
Sonic Championship / the Fighters: Mushroom Hill
Sonic 3D Blast: Spring Stadium on Saturn/PC, Diamond Dust on Genesis
Sonic Blast: Silver Castle
Sonic's Schoolhouse: Math, although recess was fun *shot*
Sonic Jam: Hall of Fame
  • This gets credit for being sneaky.  It credits Sonic as the first video game character in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, but some Internet snooping taught me that some info was left out: Sonic and another balloon crashed into, ironically enough, a lamppost, which fell and injured some bystanders o_0
Sonic R: Regal Ruin
Sonic Adventure: Speed Highway
Sonic Pocket Adventure: Gigantic Angel
Sonic Shuffle: Nature Zone
Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape
Sonic Advance: Ice Mountain
Sonic Advance 2: Hot Crater
Sonic Heroes: Rail Canyon
Sonic Battle: Emerald Beach
Sonic Advance 3: Sunset Hill
Sonic Rush: Night Carnival
Shadow: The ARK
Sonic Riders: SEGA Carnival

*pants for breath* That was a rant.  I close with my Top Ten WTFs of Sonic gaming:
10. Getting really psyched when I got a dreamcast with Sonic Adventure one Christmas, only to find that I had a defective disc (but the demo sampler still worked, I got a taste!)
9. First discovering the Japanese Sonic CD soundtrack and feeling like I had been out of the loop
8. Chaotix's final boss: what's the deal with that again?
7. Figuring out Tails' SkyPatrol without an English manual
6. Carnival Night 2's Barrel of Doom
5. Aforementioned Sonic Jam story
4. Gargantua game in Sonic Shuffle, because Chao can Sonic's ass in it
3. Hyper Shadow n00bs finding "evidence"
2. Sonic and the whole Super Smash Bros. fiasco
1. Sonic 3D's Flick-the-Cartridge trick
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 10:00:14 pm by Thorn »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline X-5

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2006, 12:05:17 am »

*pants for breath* That was a rant.  I close with my Top Ten WTFs of Sonic gaming:
10. Getting really psyched when I got a dreamcast with Sonic Adventure one Christmas, only to find that I had a defective disc (but the demo sampler still worked, I got a taste!)

Heh, the EXACT same thing happened to me, I was so looking forward to the best 3D game ever, but it always said "Insert Game Disk" even though the game was in there and 100% new, just some damn glitch and we had to trade in for a new copy when they fixed it.

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2006, 01:20:36 am »
ohh!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm not going to go overboard with write-ups)

Sonic 1:

Fav: Star Light
Least: Spring Yard

Sonic 2:

Fav: Chemical Plant
Least: Death Egg (cause the game ends :/)

Sonic 3:

Fav: none...all stages are too 1337
Least: look at Fav

Sonic and Knuckles:

Fav: look at Sonic 3
Least: look at Fav

Sonic Spinball:

Fav: Last table (forgot name)
Least: 2nd table (forgot name)

Sonic 3-D Blast (Gen):

Fav: Diamond Dust
Least: Volcano Valley

Sonic 1 (GG):

Fav: Bridge
Least: Sky Base

Sonic 2 (GG):

Fav: Green Hills
Least: Aqua Lake

Sonic Chaos:

Fav: Mecha Green Hill
Least: Gigalopolis (dumb name...)

Sonic Triple Trouble:

Fav: Robotnik Winter
Least: Atomic Destroyer

Sonic Blast:

Fav: none
Least: all (hate this game)

Tails Sky Patrol:

Fav: that mountain stage (...)
Least: final area (heh)

Tails' Adventure:

Fav: Poloy Forest
Least: Final area (cause its hard to get back to it if you go someplace else on the world map)

Sonic Drift:

Fav: Scrap Brain
Least: Marble

Sonic Drift 2:

Fav: Hill Top
Least: Moon

Sonic Labyrinth:

Fav: none
Least: everything (hate hate hate...)

Sonic CD:

Fav: Stardust Speedway
Least: Wacky Workbench (heh, bouncy >_>)

Sonic R:

Fav: Radical City
Least: Radiant Emerald

Sonic Adventure:

Fav: Windy Valley
Least: Sky Deck (so much shit blowing up in your face)

Sonic Adventure 2:

Fav: City Escape (its always fun for me)
Least: Mad Space (cause it makes you MAD!)

Sonic Heroes:

Fav: Seaside Hill
Least: Egg Fleet (this beats Power Plant because of mass cannons)

Shadow The Hedgehog:

Fav: Lava Shelter (something about it makes it seem classic)
Least: Central City (yes I like Black Comet)

Sonic Riders:

Fav: Digital Dimension (I like a good heaven/hell stage)
Least: Ice Factory (grumbles)

Games of which I looked upon (thanks to the help of vids)

Sonic Advance:

Fav: Egg Rocket
Least: X-Zone

Sonic Advance 2:

Fav: Hot Crater
Least: XX-Zone

Sonic Advance 3:

Fav: Chaos Angel
Least: Ocean Base (Cyber Track almost went here)


Fav 2-D Sonic: Sonic 3 and Knuckles (yes I count this as 1 full game!)
Fav 3-D Sonic: None, unless Sonic Secret Rings or Sonic 06 can change that)
Fav GG Sonic: Sonic 2
Fav Sonic Racer: Sonic Riders

Memorable Moments:

Sonic 1:

-playing it for the first time
-getting past Green Hill for the first time (this took a long time for me as a kid)

Sonic 2:

-Oil Ocean being so cool
-Sound Test
-becoming Super the very last checkpoint in the entire game >_>

Sonic 3:

-getting stuck by drum in CN2
-getting PAST drum in CN2 (seriously, this took a long time as well...was like a whole new game after that happened)

Sonic and Knuckles:

-playing as Knuckles
-how kickass this game truly is

Sonic 2 (GG):

-playing it for the first time
-hating this wretched creation
-LOVING this wretched creation (how the hell does that work)

Sonic Adventure:

-Seeing it for the first time before the DC even came to the states
-Playing it for the first time
-Owning it for the first time

Sonic Adventure 2:

-Seeing the commerical on TV
-Experiencing Mad Space
-Getting my first A rank
-Having my file erased...3 times
-Getting Green Hill...twice!

Sonic Heroes:

-getting too damn excited over this game...seriously, it messed me up in school thinking about this game 24/7
-seeing Seaside Hill in action
-Playing the demo as much as possible at a Wal-Mart

« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 02:22:44 am by Shadow Jacky »
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

In the Future:
Aero The Acrobat (Genesis) | More...

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2006, 01:34:32 am »
oh man how could I forget...

SPA - Aerobase <3333

Also >_>

</shameless advertising>
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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2006, 12:40:10 pm »
Lol. SJ, totally forgot about Mad Space. That level is just....

*ks8 shivers*

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2006, 06:26:43 pm »
I will stay just with the 2D ones:

Sonic 1 (GG) Best: green hill
                  Worst: labirinth

Sonic 2 (GG) Best:  sky high
                  Worst: gimmick mountain

Sonic Chaos Best: sleeping egg
                 Worst: aqua planet

Sonic Triple Trouble Best: robotinik winter
                           Worst: meta junglira

Sonic 1 Best: star light
          Worst: marble

Sonic 2 Best: oil ocean
          Worst: aquatic ruin

Sonic 3 Best: launch base
          Worst: no one :D

Sonic & Knuckles Best: death egg
                        Worst: flying battery

Sonic CD Best: hard to say...
            Worst: stardust speedway (by far...)
you can run, but not fast enough...

Offline Stefan

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2006, 07:20:20 pm »
I like mad space...>.>

Offline Antronach

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2006, 08:16:07 pm »
Here is my LONG list.

Sonic 1: Star Light; Least: Scrap Brain
Sonic 2: Mystic Cave; Least: None
Sonic 3: Hydrocity; Least: Launch Base(that music is annoying)
Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis; Least: Doomsday(it's SO HARD!)
Sonic 3D Blast: Diamond Dust; Least: Volcano Valley
Sonic 1(GG): Green Hill; Least: Jungle
Sonic 2(GG): Sky High; Least:Gimmick Mountian
Sonic Triple Trouble: Sunset Park; Least: None
Sonic Chaos: I forgot the stages
Sonic PAD: Never even seen it
Sonic CD: Collision Chaos(Past); Least: Stardust Speedway(Act Three)
SADV: Secret Base; Least: None
SADV2: Techno Base; Least: None
SADV3: Ocean Base; Least: None
Sonic Rush: Want to play it so badly
Drift: Labryntih(Red); Least: Scrap Brain(Purple)
Drift 2: Ballon Panic; Least: None
Chaotix: Never played this game
Fighters: Canyon Cruise; Least: None
Sonic R:Regal Ruin; Least: None
Sonic Jam: Never played this one also
Shuffle: Never played it before either
SA/SADX: Lost World; Least: None
SA2/SA2B: Dry Lagoon; Least: Hidden Base
Heroes: Mystic Mansion; Least: Power Plant
Riders: Splash Canyon; Least: Night Chase
Shadow: Lost Impact; Least: None

Favorite City Stage: Speed Highway;Least: Gigaopolis
Favorite Hunting Stage: Lost World;Least: Death Chamber
Favorite Casino Stage: Casinopolis; Least: Casino Night
Favorite Jungle Stage: White Cave; Least: Jungle(the boss is SO hard)
Favorite Eggman Base Stage: Sky Deck; Least: Death Egg(S2)
Favorite Boss Stage: E-101mKII; Least: Sonic/Shadow(Sa2(B))
Favorite Special Stage: SA2B(Chao World); Least: Sonic 2(all of them)
Favorite Green Hill Stage: The original

Offline magnum12

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2006, 08:49:14 pm »
Favorite Fire Stage: Lava Shelter. Least: Red Mountain (Knuckles, since I hate hunting stages
Favorite Egg Man Stage: Final Egg (Sonic). Least: Not decided.
Favorite City stage: Radical Highway. Least: Lethal Highway
Favorite Space Stage: The Last Way. Least: Mad Space. (Once again, I hate hunting stages.)
Favorite Aerial Stage: Sky Troops. Least: Sky Deck. (Camera got really annoying here.)
Favorite High Tech Stage: Mad Matrix (except the dark mission, which sucks). Least: The Doom
Favorite Casino/amusement park stage: Twinkle Park (Sonic). Least: Circus Park
Overall Favorite Stage: Final Egg (Sonic). Honorable mentions go to Radical Highway, Sky Troops, and Cosmic Wall.
Overall Least Favorite Stage: Mad Space. Dishonorable mention goes to any of the other hunting stages from SA2 and The Doom.
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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2006, 05:46:55 pm »
MAD SPACE IS AWESOME!!! I wished there was a Sonic level like this (playable as Sonic)!

@ PsyBorg: Your my favorite! X)


Sonic (MD) - Labyrinth Zone

Sonic (MS) - Jungle

Sonic 2 (MS) - Aqua Lake Zone

Sonic 2 (MD) - Wing Fortress Zone

Sonic CD - Wacky Workbench

Sonic & Tails - Sleeping Egg Zone

Sonic Spinball - Toxic Caves

Sonic 3 - Marble Garden Zone

Sonic & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone

Sonic & Tails 2 - Tidal Plant

Chaotix - Botanic Base

Sonic 3D - Rusty Ruin Zone

Sonic Blast - WORST SONIC GAME EVAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic R - Regal Ruin

Sonic Adventure - Sky Deck

Sonic Adventure 2 - Crazy Gadget (Haven't seen Green Hill yet.)

Sonic Advance - Egg Rocket Zone

Sonic Advance 2 - Egg Utopia

Sonic Battle - Metal Depot

Sonic Heroes - Bingo Highway

Sonic Advance 3 - Chaos Angel

Sonic Rush - Dead Line

Shadow - Cosmic Fall

Sonic Riders - Dark Desert (Haven't seen Sega Ilusion yet.)


Tropical, Hill or Leafy - Marble Garden

Lava - Marble Zone

Pinball  or Casino - Bingo Highway

Aqua - Labyrinth Zone

Speed Roads - Stardust Speedway

Mechanical Base - Wacky Workbench

Jungle - Jungle

Sky - Sky High Zone

Cave - Mystic Cave (I think it's the only real cave zone/stage which is not actually a lava level.)

Pipy - Scrambled Egg Zone (I think it's the only really pipy zone/stage.)

Fantasy - Sleeping Egg Zone

Ice - Ice Mountain Zone

Agyptian - Sandopolis

Kiddy - Music Plant

Ships - Marina Madness

Non-Agyptian Ruin - Chaos Angel

Mountain or Canyon - Rail Canyon

City - Central City

Prison - Prison Island

Harbor - Metal Harbor (I think it's the only harbor zone/stage.)

Space - Cosmic Fall

Techno - Techno Base

Castle - Cryptic Castle

Digital - Mad Matrix

Alieny - Black Comet


Race - Speed Highway

Treasure Hunt - Mad Space

Escape - Hot Shelter

Shooting - Cosmic Wall

Fishing - WORST IDEA EVAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Special Stage -
1. Sonic CD
2. Sonic Heroes
3. Sonic (MD)


Boss -
1. Egg-Go-Round
2. Unknown
3. Labyrinth Zone Boss
(Haven't seen Nonaggression yet.)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 05:06:31 pm by Siavash Tazari »
There is no sense crying over every mistake! You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2006, 07:26:49 pm »
^^ Personally, I found Carnival better than Illusion but that's just me. You might like it. Just watch my video of it here on TSC. You can get a good glimpse there unlesss you'd rather wait and unlock it yourself. :P

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Offline Stardust Speedman

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2006, 07:56:08 pm »
Thank you for the video tip! ^.^ But unfortunately, the quality of the video was so bad that I couldn't see at all what was going on. Sorry! v.v
There is no sense crying over every mistake! You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2006, 08:17:35 pm »
Oh right, that's before I got my new digital camera. That was with my abysmal one - gift to me, feel bad, kinda but got a year's use out of it I guess...

That's another video I have to re-do. Thanks for the reminder!!


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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2006, 09:54:25 pm »
Eeeh... No problem! ~.^ I'm looking forward to see the new one. ^.^
There is no sense crying over every mistake! You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2006, 07:45:55 pm »
Lol. Well be patient. I'll probably do it tonight or tomorrow if I'm too lazy/busy. :P

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2006, 04:31:43 pm »
I've seen the video. Looks pretty cool! ^^ But I can't really judge how good it is unless I play it my self. ~^
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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2006, 09:10:31 pm »
Sonic (MD) - Labyrinth Zone:
I love under water zones! They’re usually challenging and I like the threat of drowning. Labyrinth Zone has ingenious level design with a lot of different challenging things happening in it. It is very varied and isn’t just a zone which you can run through without anything special happening in it. The boss of this zone is also one of my favourites. It is different from all the other bosses in the early Sonic games. You don’t have to defeat Eggman, but have to survive from the water. It’s challenging and interesting.

Sonic (MS) - Jungle:
The visuals in this level are very nice. It has some cool features in the level design. I like especially act 2, because the level goes upwards and it’s challenging, because you have to be careful to not fall down again. The boss is a little bit unfair, but I still like it.

Sonic 2 (MS) - Aqua Lake Zone:
I love under water zones! I especially love act 2! Most of all, I like the part in the level where you go up with a bubble and have to avoid the crayfishes and the spears. Unfortunately, the boss is very lame. Act 1 is good, but you can take a shortcut which makes the act so short, that makes the act practically useless, except for collecting lives. I like the music in this zone very much!

Sonic 2 (MD) - Wing Fortress Zone:
I never really liked Sonic 2 (MD) that much. I mean I like it, but compared to the other jump-‘n’-Run-Sonic-games it is my least favourite. I even like the Advance games better. I have chosen Wing Fortress Zone, because I like the Idea of having a level on a giant aeroplane and because the zone is challenging, but not as annoying as the other zones in this game. I also like the heroic music.

Sonic CD - Wacky Workbench:
I’m very fascinated by this zone! It’s the most unusual zone in Sonic’s history! You have a lot of cool features in this level. It’s totally chaotic (I love chaoticness!) and you are always moving, especially up and down (Woooooooooow, my head’s spinning! XP). And another cool feature is that you can loose you’re way. You really have to search to find the exit. Unfortunately, all bosses in Sonic CD are lame.

Sonic & Tails - Sleeping Egg Zone:
I like all the jumping around with the springs and the whole breakable and falling platforms. You can do a bunch of different experiments in this zone with this features and this makes the zone interesting.

Sonic Spinball - Toxic Caves:
I’m actually not really sure with this choice. Something just made me choose this level and I can’t explain why.

Sonic 3 - Marble Garden Zone:
This zone in Sonic 3 is the zone with the coolest features. I especially like the spinning top platforms which take off in the air when you run on them. You can do a lot of experiments with them and try to reach new places. The altering ground and the main boss are also interesting, although the boss gets really easy once you know how to beat it. The acts are huge, not only horizontally but also vertically, and there are a lot of places you can go. Very good level design!

Sonic & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone:
One of the best zones ever! Again, the zone is full of cool features, especially act 2. I love the settings, since I’m a big fan of ruins, ancient buildings and pyramids. I like it very much that act 1 is outside and act 2 is inside an ancient building/pyramid. The most interesting features are the ghosts that appear when the level gets dark and the rising sands and time doors. Plus, the zone is huge!

Sonic & Tails 2 - Tidal Plant:
I love under water zones! The level design in this zone is marvellous! Almost all 3 acts are completely under water. The whole zone is very challenging and has some cool ideas. The music is lovely!

Chaotix - Botanic Base:
Chaotix is most fun when playing with someone else. It’s almost unbelievable how fun this can be, if you play it with the right person. The main idea of the game is very cool and gave the game potential to be very great. But unfortunately, the level design is not that special and it doesn’t give you much opportunity to use the special features of this game, especially in single-player. I actually can’t remember the zones that well. I just choose Botanic Base because it’s beautiful and has the best music. But Marina Madness is also very beautiful, probably more beautiful than Botanic Base.

Sonic 3D - Rusty Ruin Zone:
The music in the Mega Drive version is awesome (not only in this zone - I don’t like the music of the Saturn and PC version.)! Probably the Sonic game with the best sound tracks! Apart from the great music in this zone, the visuals are also very nice, because of the ruinal setting. What I like most in this zone are the fans that send you whirling. Cool feature which gives you a lot of possibilities for experimenting.

Sonic Blast - WORST SONIC GAME EVAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic R - Regal Ruin:
I can’t remember the tracks in this game that much. I can only remember that the tracks which I enjoyed most were Regal Ruin and Reactive Factory. I can’t remember which one I enjoyed more, but I chose Regal Ruin, because I love ancient settings!

Sonic Adventure - Sky Deck:
Most chaotic and challenging stage in Sonic Adventure with the coolest features! I especially like the tilted camera angles in some parts of the stage.

Sonic Adventure 2 - Crazy Gadget (Haven't seen Green Hill yet.):
I really like controlling Sonic upside down and tilted in 3D Sonic games!

Sonic Advance - Egg Rocket Zone:
Without question, the best zone in the whole game! It is actually the zone in the game which has really good level design and original ideas, especially in the first act. The music rocks in both acts. The boss is challenging in a good way.

Sonic Advance 2 - Egg Utopia:
Since all the zones in Sonic Advance 2 feel the same, it’s hard to say which one is the best. I chose Egg Utopia because it’s the most challenging one.

Sonic Battle - Metal Depot:
Because of the music and because it’s horizontally stretched, thus, different from the other arenas.

Sonic Heroes - Bingo Highway:
I like the Bingo tables and I love the music!

Sonic Advance 3 - Chaos Angel:
The most original Zone in all of the Advance games with the coolest features and excellent music! This is actually one of my most favourite zones ever! A pity that the other zones in Sonic Advance 3 are by far not as cool as this one! Everything is actually right in this Zone: The music is fantastic! The ancient setting is fantastic! You can run really fast in this zone, but still are challenged and have great platforming sections. This is how all the Advance zones should have been, but most of them failed to be, because of lack of balance between speed, platforming and challenge. The permanent chaotic feeling in this zone only helps!

Sonic Rush - Dead Line:
Altitude Limit and Dead Line are the zones with the coolest features in Sonic Rush. I was not sure which one to choose, but I decided to choose Dead Line, because I like the rockets and getting shot by the springs from one screen to the other. I also love the battle between Sonic and Blaze. Plus, I have one of the best scores EVER!!! In Dead Line act 1 with Sonic: 118064 points! After all, Sonic Rush is my most favourite game of all time!

Shadow - Cosmic Fall:
The best 3D Sonic stage ever! Great music, which really suits the feeling of the stage, great visuals (I really like space stages in all 3D Sonic games!) and very challenging in a nice way! I love all the moving and rotating platforms and the feeling that you are permanently falling. The part of the game where you have to jump around with the jumping vehicle is also very challenging and fun. All in all, great feeling in the whole stage with cool gimmicks!

Sonic Riders - Dark Desert (Haven't seen Sega Illusion yet.):
Although Sonic Riders is a cool racing game, all the tracks feel pretty much the same. I am really not sure which track is my most favourite, but I chose Dark Desert because it has the best music in the whole game and I am a fan of ancient settings. I chose Dark Desert instead of Sand Ruins because Dark Desert looks nicer, because it is played in the night and you have a beautiful moon in the background. It’s also more challenging.


Tropical, Hill or Leafy - Marble Garden

Lava - Marble Zone:
I love the music and the gimmicks in this Zone, especially the floating bricks on the lava. But the most important reason for choosing this as the best lava zone ever is nostalgia!

Pinball or Casino - Bingo Highway

Aqua - Labyrinth Zone

Speed Roads - Stardust Speedway:
I love the visuals in this zone, especially in the past! I also loved the race against Metal Sonic the first time I played it, but once you manage to beat Metal Sonic, you realize that the race was actually a little bit poor and it could have been done much better. Still loved the idea!

Mechanical Base - Wacky Workbench

Jungle - Jungle

Sky - Sky High Zone:
One of my favourites of all time! The music is waaaaaaay cool and I love jumping around on the clouds and flying around with the hang gliders and dodging the spikes. The boss is also interesting and challenging. I might even like this zone better than Aqua Lake Zone, but I’m not sure.

Cave - Mystic Cave (I think it's the only real cave zone/stage which is not actually a lava level.):
I really like the music and the setting in this zone. Especially the setting is pretty unique. But it lacks in level design, just like most other zones in Sonic 2 (MD). I chose this zone, because there is probably nothing else to choose from. XP

Pipy - Scrambled Egg Zone (I think it's the only really pipy zone/stage.):
The zone is not that spectacular, but I chose this zone, because there is probably nothing else to choose from. XP

Fantasy - Sleeping Egg Zone

Ice - Icecap Zone:
I’m not a very big fan of ice zones in Sonic games, but Icecap Zone from Sonic 3 is the most interesting one.

Egyptian - Sandopolis

Kiddy - Music Plant:
The question is, is kiddy good at all? But apart from the kiddy style, Music Plant is quite good. Well, it’s just Sonic Advance 2: Nice and fun, but could have been much, much, much better! 

Ships - Huge Crisis:
The choice would have been between Marina Madness and Huge Crisis. Although Marina Madness looks very beautiful, the winner is obviously Huge Crisis, because it’s Sonic Rush and it’s much more fun!

Non-Egyptian Ruin - Chaos Angel

Mountain or Canyon - Rail Canyon:
This is my second favourite Stage in Sonic Heroes. I actually like stages which are mainly on rails. Their challenging and fast! I especially like the several direction changes when you are on the rails which make you say: “Woooooooooow, my head’s spinning!” XP

City - Central City:
One of the best 3D Sonic stages ever! You have a big city with no goal ring and have to search carefully for bombs. There are a lot of places you can reach and you really have to search. The time limit threatens you to be fast. There are a lot of things happening in every corner of the city and it’s just awesomely chaotic!

Prison - Prison Island:
The choice would have been between Prison Lane, Iron Gate and Prison Island. Obviously, Prison Island is the winner, because the other two are just shooting stages. But Prison Island is a very good stage anyway and has very nice music.

Harbor - Metal Harbor (I think it's the only harbor zone/stage.):
I chose this stage, because there is probably nothing else to choose from. XP

Space - Cosmic Fall

Techno - Techno Base:
The choice would have been between Techno Tower and Techno Base. Techno Base is in my opinion definitely better. It has nice visuals and has probably the best boss ever!

Castle - Cryptic Castle:
The choice would have been between Hang Castle, Mystic Mansion and Cryptic Castle. Cryptic Castle is my most favourite. It has awesome music, very nice atmosphere and pretty good level design. Better than the other two!

Digital - Mad Matrix:
One of the best 3D Sonic stages ever! It is huge, especially if you play the hero mission, has some cool features, looks nice and original and has one of the best soundtracks ever! I like to circuit in the circuit and I like the colour puzzles.

Alieny - Black Comet:
Lovely music! Nice level design!


Race - Speed Highway:
It is the only challenging and fun stage with Tails in Sonic Adventure. The first time I played it, it seemed to me to be the most difficult stage in the whole game. It gets easy after playing it several times, but it’s still fun.

Treasure Hunt - Mad Space:
I absolutely love this stage! I wished there was such a stage available to Sonic! All the circling around the planets and flying from one planet to another with wacky camera angles is just plane fun! The music is also lovely and fits to the stage.

Escape - Hot Shelter:
Probably the second best stage in Sonic Adventure! It has a lot of cool and fun features!

Shooting - Cosmic Wall:
One of the few shooting stages which is really fun! It looks nice, because it’s a space level, has very nice music and the low gravity makes it more fun to play. I also like the sections where Eggman is on a rail and has to shoot up oncoming things.

Fishing - WORST IDEA EVAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Special Stage -
1. Sonic CD:
Looks very nice, has cool music and is simply fun to play! I like it that the game play is real 3D (you can move in any directions) and Sonic is always on the run. It is very challenging, has cool features and is probably the most original Special Stage ever.
2. Sonic Heroes:
The fastest Special Stage ever! The adrenalin kick in these Special Stages is incredible!
3. Sonic (MD):
I don’t know, but I just love it! It’s probably nostalgia.


Boss -
1. Egg-Go-Round:
While Sonic Advance 2 has flawed level design, I just love the idea of the boss acts! The fact that Sonic is always running gives a massive adrenalin kick and makes the battles more challenging. The music in the boss acts is especially fucking awesome! Egg-Go-Round is without a doubt one of the most challenging bosses in Sonic’s history.
2. Unknown:
Long, challenging battle which gets harder and harder all the time, since new challenges and surprises are added after every hit. Very original! The music is also very cool!
3. Labyrinth Zone Boss:
This boss is different from all the other bosses in the early Sonic games. You don’t have to defeat Eggman, but have to survive from the water. It’s challenging, interesting and triggers nostalgia.
(Haven't seen Nonaggression yet.)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 10:07:52 am by Siavash Tazari »
There is no sense crying over every mistake! You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!

Offline Rane

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2006, 04:48:45 am »
This will be a short one, since i have only played 1/2/3&K and (once) Advance 1:

Sonic (MD)
Best: Green Hill Zone
Worst: Marble Zone, but its not too bad

Sonic 2(MD)
Best: Chemical Plant or Hill Top Zone
Worst: Casino Night Zone, the only one i don´t enjoy playing

Sonic 3(MD)
Best: Launch Base Zone
Worst: Carnival Night Zone, i guess i don´t like the whole theme and all those bumpers in all casino zones :-)

Sonic & Knuckles(MD)
Best: Probably Sandopolis, but they are all so good :-)
Worst: Hidden Palace, i would have liked it if they had made it something like Act 1 of Sky Sanctuary, with a real level, not just some springs and a miniboss/cutscene


Special Stages
Best: Glowing Spheres from S&K (not Blue Sphere)
Worst: Sonic 2 run-down-the-lane-stage

Eggman Stages
Best: Tie between Launch Base and Death Egg
Worst: None, they all play pretty nice

"Green" Stages
Best: Mushroom Hill Zone
Worst: Emerald Hill Zone

Best: Hydrocity, a water level that is fast, nice
Worst: None, once i learned how to play them i stopped hating them :-)


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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2006, 06:37:33 am »
Sonic 1:
Favorite - Starlight, Labyrinth
Least favorite - Scrap Brain, Labyrinth (Yeah, it's a love/hate relationship, back when I couldn't pass the boss...  But it's easy for me now.)
Favorite boss - None in particular
Least favorite boss - None in particular

Sonic 2:
Favorite - None in particular
Least favorite - None in particular
Favorite boss - Metropolis Boss (Even if I can't hit it without temporary invincibility)
Least favorite boss - Mystic Cave Boss

Sonic 3:
Favorite - Hydrocity, Ice Cap
Least favorite - Carnival Night
Favorite boss - None in particular
Least favorite boss - Ice Cap 2 Boss

Sonic & Knuckles:
Favorite - Flying Battery (For certain!), Death Egg
Least favorite - Sandopolis (Desert levels just don't strike me.  Not as hated as the others, though)
Favorite boss - Flying Battery 1 Sub-boss, Flying Battery 2 Sub-boss (He freakin' fires at his own vessel!), Knuckles, Mecha Sonic (Or whatever Sonic it was.  I forget nowadays), Death Egg 2 Boss (The big one)
Least favorite boss - Sandopolis 1 Sub-boss (Takes forever)

Sonic 3D Blast:
Favorite - Diamond Dust
Least favorite - Spring Stadium
Favorite boss - Panic Puppet Boss, Final Fight
Least favorite boss - Gene Gadget Boss

Sonic CD:
Favorite - Quartz Quadrant (I repeat, not my namesake.), Stardust Speedway
Least favorite - Wacky Workbench
Favorite boss - All of 'em.  They're pretty innovative.
Least favorite boss - You know, it's pointless to state.

Sonic Advance:
Favorite - Egg Rocket Zone (Not Cosmic Angel)
Least favorite - Secret Base Zone (Except for the first few seconds of act 1)
Favorite boss - Casino Paradise Boss, Ice Mountain Boss (So many fun ways to scrap that boss), Angel Island Boss
Least favorite boss - Cosmic Angel Boss

Sonic Advance 2:
Favorite - Hot Crater (The best place to utilize boost mode)
Least favorite - Techno Base (I don't like the level design.  Or maybe it's the black.)
Favorite boss - Egg Hammer Tank II, Egg Frog
Least favorite boss - Egg-Go-Round

Sonic Advance 3:
Favorite - Sunset Hill, Twinkle Snow, Cyber Track (Best music ever, Chaos Angel bringing up a very close second, in my opinion), Chaos Angel
Least favorite - Route 99
Favorite boss - All except Nonaggression...
Least favorite boss - ...Cyber Track Boss, and Altar Emerald

Sonic Rush:
Favorite - Altitude Limit
Least favorite - Huge Crisis
Favorite boss - Dead Line Boss
Least favorite boss - Unknown...  (With a vengeance!)

Sonic Adventure:
Favorite - Windy Valley (Sonic and Tails), Speed Highway (Sonic and Tails)
Least favorite - Twinkle Park (All), Red Mountain (All)
Favorite boss - Chaos 6, Egg Viper
Least favorite boss - Chaos 4

Sonic Adventure 2:
Favorite - All Sonic levels, Cosmic Wall
Least favorite - All shooter levels (Except Cosmic Wall)
Favorite boss - G.U.N. Bosses, Vs. character matches (Example: Knuckles vs. Rouge)
Least favorite boss - None in particular

Sonic Heroes:
Favorite - Ocean Palace, Bingo Highway, Hang Castle, Egg Fleet, Final Fortress
Least favorite - Frog Forest, Lost Jungle
Favorite boss - Team battles, Metal Overlord
Least favorite boss - Everythine else...

Knuckles Chaotix:
Favorite - Speed Slider(!  It's fun to shout.), Techno Tower
Least favorite - Botanic Base, Marina Madness
Favorite boss - Marina Madness Boss, Stage Select Boss
Least favorite boss - Uh... I don't remember the others well...

Sonic Riders:
Least favorite - Green Cave (Yeah, my first record is my most hated course...)
Favorite boss - Digital Dimension
Least favorite boss - There's only one "boss" in this game.

Favorite Special Stage - Sonic Rush for certain.

Offline Magnezone

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Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2006, 07:58:16 pm »
Well, lets see..

Sonic 1 - Marble, Star Light
Sonic 2 - Chemical Plant, Aquatic Ruin
Sonic 3 - Launch Base ftw, Ice Cap (only Act 1 though)
Sonic & Knuckles - Flying Battery, Lava Reef, Sky Sanctuary, Death Egg
Sonic CD - Tidal Tempest, Stardust Speedway: Act 3
Sonic Advance 1 - Angel Island, Ice Mountain
Sonic Advance 2 - Sky Canyon, Egg Utopia, True Area 53
Sonic Advance 3 - Ocean Base, Twinkle Snow
Sonic Rush - Altitude Limit, Dead Line, Water Palace, Huge Crisis, and Mirage Road all kick ass.
Sonic Adventure - Sky Deck, Lost World
Sonic Riders - Babylon Gardens, Sky Road

Not so favorites!
Sonic 1 - None really...
Sonic 2 - Oil Ocean is always the one that bores the crap out of me. :(
Sonic 3 - Marble Garden has the same effect.
Sonic & Knuckles - Sandopolis
Sonic CD - Collision Chaos. :(
Sonic Advance 1 - Casino Paradise
Sonic Advance 2 - Music Plant
Sonic Advance 3 - Toy Kingdom
Sonic Rush - Night Carnival. See a pattern here?
Sonic Adventure - Casinopolis
Sonic Riders - Dunno. Haven't played it enough.

Offline Sonic825

Re: Game Stage Preferences
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2006, 06:15:44 pm »
I don't like to type as much as that. So I'm gonna just say one sonic game favorite level of mine. Ahem.                                   [
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