Indeed, Psyknux, and thanks. SM, I can't really vid my best, since my best requires console, and I can only record emu, so I thank you for not attacking me directly and trusting me in such.
I got a gf recently (ranting on that aside), and she has high-speed access. I can't submit stats from my home computer, and I can barely ever get on, for that matter...
I picked up my own copy of S2 and S&K, in addition to an awesome controller (my last one was becoming... more than over-used... it now resides in a case of "Things That Helped Me Be God", which includes my busted LoZ1 cart, and my PS1 controller that I twisted in half) so I'm finally able to do well.
Met-scores: I didn't bother to submit... Those belong to Mike89... I told him I'd not take away his recs for that, and I meant it...
anyway, that's what I've got to show for the past couple months of playing...
ALttP is my current TAing pleasure... But I'm still playing Sonic
The Aitamen