You rarely fall off for /no reason/, there's usually a rule to it and something you could have done to prevent it. At least it has that. (for example, knowing which types of platforms have an invisible guard or not) I know the games are sloppy sometimes, but that's part of the excitement. ANYTHING GOES!! >_>; But really, why adventure games can have badly designed superlame puzzles that's called a rewarding challenge, but heaven forbid you take steps to prevent yourself from dying in an action game.
Anyway I saw the Sonic Cult movies.... some thoughts:
- Sonic seems to move really slowly except for the 'mach speed part'.
- lol @ mid-level loading times, Sonic Adventure style. Hopefully they upgrade it to Shadow the Hedgehog style. The eagle that picked up Sonic in part one was no where in sight for part 2. But I'm sure they will fix that for release, etc.
- adventure stages lol
- the characters move slowly in the air. Springs keep them in the air for a long time.
There's always some rule, but that doesn't make it okay. It's not fun to lose for some almost-random reason.
If Sonic falls through the floor, it's because the floor is fake (Emerald Coast, Lost World)
or unstable (every "solid" floor and wall can be glitched through, or at least
the character can keep tripping on the edge as if trying to fall through).
If Omega runs off the cliff, it's because his homing feature is messed up, and because
there just happens to be no little invisible wall at the edge of the platform.
If Sonic goes crazy and jumps off the cliff, it's because his homing attacks are messed up,
or something that was supposed to be automatic either messed itself up or was interrupted by the player.
I haven't seen the videos yet. They're probably too much for my dial-up connection.
-more about this after
-I read somewhere else that SA had mid-level loading times. What was it like?
(SADX goes smoothly, except for the tiny pause that comes a bit
after the next area is entered.
Chankast (with SA saved on my hard drive) is so smooth that I can only notice by seeing the lighting change.)
About this eagle, is it that something is clearly disappearing, like how there's just an empty space at the
back of the flat mountain in section 1 of Emerald Coast?
-Adventure Fields= :)
-Ugh... is it even worse than SA and SA2? (end of Emerald Coast, and also the vertical place in Green Forest)
what the ultimate Sonic game would be:
-If there were other characters, they'd have Sonic-like gameplay (like Tails in SA,
or Amy without the slowness... also without Zero or Sonic/Robotnik being annoying).
-Grades would be given for 3 categories: Time, Rings, and Score.
Time-attackers are rewarded instead of ignored, and there can be different challenges
without having a whole bunch of stupid, boring, or nearly-identical missions.
(just 1 mission and 3 ranks in each)
-Sonic Heroes did the first thing right, but it still wasn't great. The reason?
It wasn't "Sonic-y" enough. Fighting should be reduced to certain small areas or stages or something.
Maybe there could even be a few mini-stages based on SH or SA2 or something.
-less (or no) shooting, no hunting, and DEFINITELY no fishing
That's all I can think of for now.