I've been a Sonic fan since forever, and always loved the Mega Drive games. I felt let down by the Dreamcast-and-onwards offerings (though I do love them, I just think they're bad games, if that makes sense...well I love SA1 and SA2, Heroes can eat poo and I haven't bothered with Shadow), and by Sonic Advance (never bothered with 2 or 3), but Sonic Rush has caught my interest such that I'm actually bothering to TA it. Anybody who's been watching those rankings might have seen me causing some problems for everybody else (mostly Skylights since he was dominating heavily when I came in, though he, and, in fact, everybody else, seems to be on a big break right now). Hopefully I'll take the Times rankings. Failing that I can at least be a huge nuisance.
Whether I bother with Rings, Time Attack, Bosses, and Score remains to be seen (probably not tbh >_>).
I can also draw (though I didn't draw this avatar, sadly).
Hope I enjoy my time here. :D