...Can't do that when I don't control the firewall.
Much as I'd like to do it for the sheer enjoyment of it. Sadly, I can't get any farther than the server list. If I recall, last time I tried from home, I clicked on SCD's server (using all of the methods you gave me in the TSS/SCD Kaillera Help Topic), and it wouldn't load from there. (Infinite "Connecting..." message.)
Also I believe I must give my "stance" (lol) in the TSC/SCD "war." (My idea of the concept, to quote mike, "I call BS.")
TSC was the first Sonic site I joined. This may give me a little bias, though I try not to put it in.
Now I know that at times, we at TSC (myself included) can be assholes at times. But that doesn't mean we should be stereotyped that way. Everyone acts like an ass at times. We just seem a little more public about it.
I think the worst of that came out in the Sonic Olympics. Now since I never participated myself, I can't really say anything other than what I've heard from my fellow TSCers concerning rules changes and whatnot. Initially, I sided with TSC. Especially when you accused mike of cheating, I got a bit of a bad impression. I know he doesn't cheat; even though I know of instances where he uses slow motion in some cases, it's only to determine whether or not something may or may not be possible at full speed. (I know this because it's what he did to get 8 on Hidden Palace Knuckles.) He wouldn't cheat from what I know.
Nonetheless, I liked the concept SCD used in their site. At the time I hadn't tried netplay (since when it came to signing up for SO events, my schedule prevented me from being present for any of them, and I wasn't about to be considered for any of the recorded ones). It wasn't until SCD moved onto TSS that I decided to try netplay myself, only to find the apparent failure, through the Kaillera server list, the Anti3D server list, and entering the direct IP. (I can netplay at school on my laptop, but nobody's on when I'm at school and free. I've only had one actual netplay session doing this; some guy who I don't think is on SCD anyways. Ended up playing Mean Bean Machine, and owned him. Just because I'm good at it. X) -- I still say it should be on TSC.)
So I guess my final say is, to quote the old saying, "Can't we all just... get along?" I mean, seriously. We have different goals in mind. TSC covers all games and just goes for overall records, while SCD covers only the classic (Genesis) games, but specializing in online play. The main thing in common is that we compete. Sure, this'll bring about its rivalries, but what's wrong with a little friendly competition? I mean, that's what we're here for. :D
Much as I hate mediating, something tells me I'm going to end up being a mediator here. :/
EDIT: Isn't SCD getting a European server sometime soon?