Quartz solves the puzzle again. After searching down the list a bit, I've found this round's winner. *Uses Scorpian style spear move on Spinballwizard while he runs, then shouts "Get over here."*
-Penalty Game: Cotton Tail Surprise. I push a button on the host's chair, activating a trap door that drops SBW into a rancor pit style arena. Of course there is a stadium for other TSC members to watch the spectecle from. As the giant gate in front of SBW opens, he thinks of all the horrible things that could be on the other side. When the gate is fully opened, a cute, furry, white rabbit innocently hops towards our "winner". It looks at SBW with cute little eyes, then leaps at his neck, teeth gnashing with rage. Those who have watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail know what happens next (decapitation for those who haven't). A big electronic message then appears on the screen. "Magnum wins. Fatality!" Afterwards, SBW respawns. On to round 6, with a penalty game even more horrible than this one.
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