I have a conundrum for you!
But, using points raised earlier in this topic, what if they're on the internet?
By your logic they are both male and female!
...on second thoughts, let's not go there.
Concerned about this very subject matter, I asked the experts on WI"MD"S (women in "male dominated" societies). That's right, the
PMS clan.
In their IRC channel, I asked of whether or not transvestites/-sexuals/-etc could apply to join the clan (assuming of course that they have changed from male to female).
To my surprise, I was greeted with a response! From some high ranker in the UK (or is it international) division of PMS (aka iPMS): Mistletoe. The answer was that "she would be taken on her own merit" - implying that 'she' would have to be... changed... enough to be referred to by those words.
Misty went on to say "cross dressers less so", so you have to like... be more of a girl than in your clothes.
I think that concludes the discussion about girls and the internet.