It's kind of funny... I chose such a simple name that it seems like everyone would have,
but I've heard of... maybe 1 other Marth. (I think credit was given to "Marth" for some art.)
The only other Marths aren't at this site, anyway.
Now, about the videos... I don't know any I want now... maybe Sky Deck in 1'40" (Sonic).
Anyway, I might make a few videos myself. I can make a 3-minute video
(Hot Shelter length) in 160x120 that's about 15 MB, and I can compress it to about half that.
So, 7.5 MB, 160x120, no sound (mostly okay so far), blurry webcam picture...
That could be a problem. It should be easy enough to see what's going on,
but don't expect it to look at all good, sharp, and colourful.
I'll try to get the video today, but I might not get the chance to make one,
and I might have so much trouble that I never get it done.