Hey everyone, new guy. I was brought here by that GUN Fortress runthrough video that someone had posted over at GameFAQs. Out of curiousity, I looked at the actual site, and I decided to join. This site, believe it or not, has inspired me to make some attempts to do my best in Shadow the Hedgehog.
If I do submit a good amount of scores, I will most likely be submitting to the scores section. This is because I'm not exactly the god of speed but I can get a good score in a stage if I practice.
As of now, the only score I have submitted is my Westopolis Dark mission score, even though that was a score I got BEFORE I even knew about this place, which I find rather surprising, but gives me a lucky feeling. I am aiming to do other stages I happen to be good at (Lava Shelter is one of them, which I am attempting to do as we speak).
Other than that, I am basically a general sonic fan, who has played Sonic-related games since the age of three. I am currently 13, btw, so that means 10 years of Sonicness for me.
And I can't think of what else to say, so I'll leave it at here.