'Default', 'denied' => 'Access Denied.', 'denied_header' => 'Access Denied', 'site_offline' => 'Site Offline', // Error Page 'error_404' => "This page doesn't exist. Sorry. Go back to the home page?", 'error_other' => "Uh oh, I screwed up and made some kind of grisly error which ate your page. " ."Hopefully I'll get fixed soon. In the meantime, do you want to go home?", 'error_details' => "If you're curious, these are the error details: %s", // Error details 'error_file_not_found' => "This file doesn't exist. Sorry. =/", // Member Profile (also used as general strings) 'profile' => 'Profile', 'profile_forum' => 'Forum Profile', 'profile_your' => 'Your Profile', 'rank' => 'Rank', 'ranks' => 'Ranks', 'bio' => 'Bio', 'record' => 'Record', 'records' => 'Records', 'antirecord' => 'AntiRecord', 'antirecords' => 'AntiRecords', 'award' => 'Award', 'awards' => 'Awards', 'guide' => 'Guide', 'guides' => 'Guides', 'video' => 'Video', 'videos' => 'Videos', 'manual' => 'Manual', 'manuals' => 'Manuals', 'stats_new' => 'New Stats', 'stats_new_game' => 'New %s Stats', // Game 'awards_new' => 'New Awards', 'joined' => 'Joined', 'leader' => 'Leader', 'leaders' => 'Leaders', 'record_holder' => 'Record Holder', 'map' => 'Map', 'maps' => 'Maps', 'song' => 'Song', 'songs' => 'Songs', // Table Headers 'game' => 'Game', 'games' => 'Games', 'percent' => 'Percent', 'percentage' => 'Percentage', 'points' => 'Points', 'points_site' => 'Site Pts', 'level' => 'Level', 'levels' => 'Levels', 'division' => 'Division', 'stat' => 'Stat', 'date' => 'Date', 'comment' => 'Comment', 'player' => 'Player', 'players' => 'Players', 'category' => 'Category', 'newest' => 'Newest', 'system' => 'System', 'champion' => 'Champion', 'champions' => 'Champions', 'weight' => 'Weight', 'bonus' => 'Bonus', 'value' => 'Value', 'date_added' => 'Date Added', 'date_received' => 'Date Received', 'date_expired' => 'Date Expired', 'writer' => 'Writer', 'codec' => 'Codec', 'size' => 'Size', 'file' => 'File', // Rankings Table Status Indicators 'no_rank' => 'No rank', 'no_submission' => 'No submission', 'no_rankings' => '-- No rankings --', 'embargo_compact' => 'Embargoed', 'embargo_complete' => 'Results embargoed until %s.', // Fake Stat indicator 'fake_stat_title' => 'This submission has been marked as fake.', 'fake_stat_alt' => 'Fake Submission', // View Modes 'view_compact' => 'Compact View', 'view_complete' => 'Complete View', // Player status 'player_banned' => 'This player has been banned.', 'player_moron' => 'Warning: This player is a moron.', 'player_no_guides' => "This player hasn't submitted any guides.", // Class Notices 'class_no_submissions' => 'No submissions yet for this class.', 'class_no_member_submissions' => 'This player has not submitted any stats for this class.', 'class_obsolete' => 'Warning: This class is obsolete (since %s).
' /* Date */ .'It is not included in total counts, ' .'and new stats cannot be submitted.', 'class_embargo' => 'This class has been embargoed until %s.
' /* Date */ .'If it is submittable, it will appear in submissions, ' .'but you won\'t see the results until that date.', 'category_obsolete' => 'Warning: This category is obsolete (since %s).
' /* Date */ .'It is not included in total counts, ' .'and new stats cannot be submitted.', 'class_title_pl' => "%s's %s History", // Player, Level 'class_title_pld' => "%s's %s (%s) History", // Player, Level, Division 'class_title_ld' => "%s: %s", // Level, Division 'class_title_gc_o' => "%s: %s Rankings", // Game, Category 'class_title_gc' => "%s: %s", // Game, Category // Contributors 'contributors' => 'Contributors', 'contributors_top25_stats' => 'Statistics (Top 25)', // Prominent Members 'members_prominent' => 'Prominent Members', 'members_prominent_short' => 'Prominent', 'members_prominent_desc' => 'The following members have attained particular respect ' .'in the TSC community through their awesome competition ' .'skills (or by being around too much).', 'members_prominent_read_more' => 'Read more...', // Records / AntiRecords 'members_antirecords_desc' => 'These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.', 'members_antirecords_none' => 'OK, guess this player just owns or something.', 'members_records_none' => 'No records? This player FAILS.', // Member Functions 'members_ranks' => "%s's Game Ranks", // Player 'contributors' => 'Site Contributors', 'contributors_short' => 'Contributors', 'members_bio' => "%s's Bio", // Player 'members_guides' => "%s's Guides", // Player 'members_records' => "%s's Records", // Player 'members_antirecords' => "%s's AntiRecords", // Player // Sitewide Rankings 'rankings_sitewide' => 'Sitewide Rankings', 'rankings_sitewide_short' => 'Sitewide', 'rankings_sitewide_faq' => 'How this page works', 'rankings_sitewide_faq_back' => 'Back to Sitewide Rankings', 'rankings_sitewide_none' => 'I guess nobody plays games!?', // Overall Rankings 'rankings_overall_no_class' => 'No Overall chart found for this category.', 'rankings_overall_no_rankings' => 'No rankings yet for this game.', // Rankings Table (New Stats) 'rankings_table_new_fake' => "List of all 'CURRENT' stats from this subsite marked as fake:", 'rankings_table_new_none' => 'No new stats within the past week.', 'rankings_table_new_title_p' => "%s's New Stats", // Player // Rules 'rankings_rules_general' => 'General Rules', 'rankings_rules_cdivs' => '%s Divisions', // Category 'rankings_rules_none' => 'Welcome to anarchy!', 'rankings_rules_updated' => 'Rules last updated %s.', // Date // Awards Table 'awards_table_new_none' => 'No new awards within the past week.', 'awards_table_member_none' => "This player doesn't have any awards. What a noob.", 'awards_table_none' => 'No one has any awards! What a shame.', 'awards_table_title' => "%s's Awards", // Player // Guides 'guides_display_none' => 'No guides available.', 'guides_display_not_found' => "This guide wasn't found. Maybe it's been deleted, or you followed a bad link.", 'guides_display_submitted_by' => 'Submitted by %s', // Player 'guides_display_submitted_by_pending_approval' => 'Submitted by %s [PENDING APPROVAL]', // Player 'guides_display_pending_approval' => "This guide has not yet been approved. To view it, either wait for it to be approved " ."or change your guide visibility setting.", // Media 'media' => 'Media', 'media_base' => 'Media Archive', // TSC Home Page and News 'news' => 'News', 'news_articles' => 'News Articles', 'news_articles_short' => 'Articles', 'news_articles_none' => "You're viewing time before news existed!", 'home_orientation' => 'First time here?', 'home_member_since' => 'Member since %s', // Date 'home_players_none' => 'No players found. :(', 'home_rnd_player' => 'Random player:', 'home_rnd_champ' => 'Random champion:', 'home_rnd_champ_none' => 'No champions found. :(', 'home_rnd_champ_of' => 'Champion of %s', // Game 'home_newest_player' => 'Newest player:', 'home_updated_topics' => 'Recently Updated Topics', 'home_competitors' => '%s Competitors', // Number of competitors (formatted) 'home_competition_charts' => '%s Competition Charts', // Number of competition charts (formatted) 'home_current_submissions' => '%s Current Submissions', // Number of current submissions (formatted) 'news_recent' => 'Recent News', 'news_articles_recent' => 'Recent News Articles', 'news_articles_recent_menu' => 'Recent Articles', 'news_updates' => 'News Updates', 'news_updates_short' => 'Updates', 'news_updates_recent' => 'Recent News Updates', 'news_updates_invalid_type' => 'Invalid Update Type', 'news_updates_invalid_type_desc' => 'The update type "%s" does not exist.', // Update Type 'news_updates_none' => "You're viewing time before updates existed!", 'news_updates_recent_title' => 'Recent News Updates - %s', // Update Type 'news_updates_menu' => 'Updates / RSS', // User controls 'controls' => 'User Settings', 'controls_general' => 'General', 'controls_general_long' => 'General Settings', 'controls_display' => 'Display', 'controls_display_long' => 'Display Settings', 'controls_stardust' => 'Stardust Skin', 'controls_stardust_long' => 'Stardust Skin Settings', 'controls_admin_long' => 'Admin Settings', 'controls_skins' => 'Pick a Skin', 'controls_login_req' => 'You must log in to adjust settings.', 'controls_updated' => 'Settings updated.', 'controls_submit' => 'Submit settings', 'controls_reset' => 'Clear changes', // Time Machine 'time_machine' => 'Time Machine', 'tm_login' => 'You must log in to time travel.', 'tm_goback' => 'Go back!', 'tm_return' => 'Return to present...', 'tm_returning' => 'Returning to present. Bzzt!', 'tm_invalid_early' => 'Invalid date! The first submissions date from 10/23/03.', 'tm_invalid_lost' => 'Invalid date! Unfortunately, submissions from 12/19/04 - 3/31/05 were lost.', 'tm_invalid_down' => 'Invalid date! The site was down from 4/1/05 - 7/6/05. :(', 'tm_invalid_future' => 'Our time machine is not yet capable of divining the future.', 'tm_broken' => 'Sorry, the flux capacitor is burnt out. Rolken needs to replace it.', 'tm_warping' => 'Time warping... ... ping!', 'tm_broken_page' => 'Warning: This page has not been updated for Time Machine
and may be displaying inaccurate data.', // Skins 'skins_resolution' => 'Recommended Resolution:', 'skins_reldate' => 'Release Date:', 'skins_users' => 'Users:', 'skins_preview' => 'Skin Preview', 'skins_select' => 'Select', // General Settings 'controls_general_profile' => 'Profile Info', 'controls_general_fname' => 'First Name', 'controls_general_lname' => 'Last Name', 'controls_general_bio' => 'Profile Bio', 'controls_general_irc' => 'IRC Integration', 'controls_general_irc_desc' => // Site Abbreviation "Enter up to 10 letters or numbers for verifying a " ."link to your IRC name.
" ."This is NOT the same as your %s or NickServ passwords.
" ."As a security precaution, don't use the same password as either of those.", // Display Settings 'controls_display_date' => 'Date format', 'controls_display_date_american' => 'American: m/d/Y', 'controls_display_date_worldwide' => 'Worldwide: d/m/Y', 'controls_display_timezone' => 'Timezone', 'controls_display_language' => 'Language', 'controls_display_language_desc' => 'Sets the display language for various parts of %s.', /* Site Abbreviation */ 'controls_display_itemsperpage' => 'Items Per Page', 'controls_display_itemsperpage_desc' => 'Number of items per page
[New Stats, (Anti)Records', 'controls_display_iconview' => 'Icon View', 'controls_display_iconview_desc' => 'Check here to use icons instead of text for some parts of %s.', /* Site Abbreviation */ 'controls_display_ajax' => 'Use AJAX', 'controls_display_ajax_desc' => 'Check here to enable the use of AJAX on pages that support it.' .' AJAX minimizes the amount of page refreshing when selecting options.', 'controls_display_statsheetview' => 'Stat sheet view', 'controls_display_gamename' => 'Game name display', 'controls_display_gamename_abbrev' => 'Abbreviation', 'controls_display_gamename_acronym' => 'Acronym', 'controls_display_gamename_acronym_desc' => 'Full Name appears in a tooltip.', 'controls_display_gamename_full' => 'Full Name', 'controls_display_guide' => 'Guide Visibility', 'controls_display_guide_approved' => 'Approved only', 'controls_display_guide_all' => 'View all guides', 'controls_display_browser' => 'Browser', 'controls_display_browser_ie' => 'IE / AOL', 'controls_display_browser_decent' => 'Firefox / Opera / Konqueror / Safari', 'controls_display_forum' => 'Forum Skinning', 'controls_display_forum_embed' => '%s Menu / Header', /* Site Abbreviation */ 'controls_display_forum_separate' => 'Full Forum', 'controls_display_sitemask' => 'Forum Site Mask', 'controls_display_sitemask_restricted' => 'Site-specific boards', 'controls_display_sitemask_full' => 'All boards from everywhere', 'controls_display_color_full_row' => 'Row Coloring', 'controls_display_color_full_row_on' => 'Full Row', 'controls_display_color_full_row_off' => 'Stat Only', 'controls_display_context_menu' => 'Context Menu', 'controls_display_context_menu_on' => 'Enabled', 'controls_display_context_menu_off' => 'Disabled', 'controls_display_content_generation' => 'Content Generation', 'controls_display_content_generation_experimental' => 'Experimental', 'controls_display_content_generation_traditional' => 'Stable(r)', // Stardust Skin Settings 'controls_stardust_bandwidth' => 'Bandwidth Optimization', 'controls_stardust_bandwidth_nice' => 'All the flashy (Broadband?)', 'controls_stardust_bandwidth_fast' => '20-60% faster load times (Dialup?)', 'controls_stardust_background' => 'Background Position', 'controls_stardust_background_fixed' => 'Fixed', 'controls_stardust_background_normal' => 'Scrolling (faster on some browsers)', // Admin Settings 'controls_admin_dbcalls' => 'Always Show DB Calls', // Submissions Page 'submissions_login' => "You have to log in to submit data. If you haven't registered yet, head over to the" ." registration page.", 'submissions_banned' => "You're disabled from using submissions.", 'submissions_warned' => "" ."We've caught on to your suspicious activity. If you don't want to get banned," ." we suggest you read the rules and/or stop" ." submitting phony stats." ."", 'submissions_denied_video_upload' => "You aren't authorized to upload videos. Contact Rolken (rolken@soniccenter.org)" ." or SadisticMystic (questiondesk@gmail.com) to be authorized. (mostly we just" ." don't want random folks uploading porn)", // Site Info 'siteinfo' => 'Site Info', 'siteinfo_nothere' => "You're not supposed to be here, crazy shmuck.", // Visitor Orientation 'siteinfo_orientation' => 'Visitor Orientation', 'siteinfo_orientation_short' => 'Orientation', 'siteinfo_orientation_welcome' => 'Welcome to TSC!', 'siteinfo_orientation_aboutTSC' => "You've reached the Sonic Center, the premiere resource for the best" ." Sonic video game players. We specialize in speed, with time attack" ." competition rankings as our flagship offering, and have over 100" ." videos of speed runs from the best players in the online Sonic" ." community. And our site is driven by the most advanced web design" ." of any Sonic site, with automated statistics and media submissions" ." and a variety of site designs to choose from, with more things" ." always on the way.", 'siteinfo_orientation_register' => "But none of the site features are of any use until you have an" ." account to tie them to. Once you" ." register on the TSC forum" .", you'll have access to the different features of the main site." ." If you're submitting your records, make sure to read the rules for" ." the games first to see what is or isn't allowed.", 'siteinfo_orientation_conclusion' => "That's about it! If you have any questions, you can check the FAQ or" ." seek help in the forum or chat room. Thanks for reading this; hope" ." to seeya round.", // Link to TSC 'siteinfo_linktoTSC' => 'Link to TSC', 'siteinfo_linktoTSC_header' => "You can use these fabulous images when linking to that most wonderful site we all love.
". "They'll always be at the same URLs, so hotlinking is fine.", 'siteinfo_linktoTSC_artie' => "(these thanks to Artie)", 'siteinfo_linktoTSC_html' => "Example code to link to the Metal / Sonic mini-banner in HTML:", 'siteinfo_linktoTSC_bbcode' => "or BBcode:", // Videos 'videos_base' => 'Video Archive', 'videos_not_found' => 'Not Found', 'videos_viewing_problem' => "If you can download the videos but not view them, try downloading" ." FFDShow or" ." VLC to solve the problem.", 'videos_missing_footer' => "%d / %d locally-stored videos missing. %s", /* Missing #, Total #, Smiley */ 'videos_none_available' => 'No videos available.', // Video Table Pages 'videos_table_game' => '%s Videos', /* Game Name */ 'videos_table_missing' => 'Missing Videos', 'videos_table_missing_short' => 'Missing', 'videos_table_member' => "%s's Videos", /* Member Name */ // Embedded Video Title 'videos_embedded' => '%s - Embedded Video', 'embedded' => 'Embedded', // Sidebar Menu 'menu_register' => '-- Register -- ', 'menu_pms_none' => 'No New PMs', 'menu_pms_one' => '1 New PM', 'menu_pms_multiple' => '%d New PMs', // Number of PMs 'menu_tm_warped' => 'Warped to %s', // Time Machine date // Sidebar Menu: Game Links 'menu_1item_rankings' => '%s Rankings', // Game Name 'menu_2item_records' => '%s %s Records', // Game Name, Category 'menu_your_1item_stats' => 'Your %s Stats', // Game Name 'menu_your_2item_stats' => 'Your %s %s Stats', // Game Name, Category // Sidebar Menu: Media Links 'menu_media_videos_1' => "%d %s Video", 'menu_media_videos_2' => "%d %s Videos", 'menu_media_guides_1' => "%d %s Guide", 'menu_media_guides_2' => "%d %s Guides", 'menu_media_maps_1' => "%d %s Map", 'menu_media_maps_2' => "%d %s Maps", 'menu_media_manuals_1' => "%d %s Manual", 'menu_media_manuals_2' => "%d %s Manuals", 'menu_media_songs_1' => "%d %s Song", 'menu_media_songs_2' => "%d %s Songs", // Sidebar Menu: Links that should be categorized elsewhere, but aren't right now. 'rankings' => 'Rankings', 'logout' => 'Logout', 'login' => 'Login', 'member' => 'Member', 'members' => 'Members', 'site_champions' => 'Site Champions', 'rules' => 'Competition Rules', 'rules_short' => 'Rules', // Used for site navigation bar. 'matchup' => 'Player Matchup', 'submissions' => 'Submissions', 'statistics' => 'Statistics', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'chatroom' => 'Chat Room', 'register' => 'Register', // Forum 'forum' => 'Forum', 'forum_recent_posts' => 'Recent Posts', 'forum_new_replies' => 'New Replies', // Admin pages 'admin_dirgen' => 'Directory Generator', 'admin_dirgen_short' => 'DirGen', 'admin_site_updates' => 'Site Updates', 'admin_suspended' => 'Suspended', 'admin_obsolete' => 'Obsolete', 'admin_classes' => 'Classes', 'admin_overalls' => 'Overalls', 'admin_memmgmt' => 'Member Management', 'admin_memmgmt_short' => 'MemMgmt', 'admin_function' => 'Arbitrary Function', 'admin_function_short' => 'Function', 'admin_sourcecheck' => 'Source Updates', 'admin_sourcecheck_short' => 'Source', 'admin_rankcharts' => 'Rank Charts', 'admin_ranklinks' => 'Rank Links', 'admin_rankitems' => 'Rank Items', 'admin_fake' => 'Fake Submissions Checkerâ„¢', 'admin_fake_short' => 'Fake', // DirGen pages that don't belong anywhere else, // possibly because they're obsolete. 'registration ' => 'Registration', 'member_list' => 'Member List', 'rankings_long' => 'Competition Rankings', // Categories (TODO) 'overall' => 'Overall', // Login Box 'login_1hour' => '1 Hour', 'login_1day' => '1 Day', 'login_1week' => '1 Week', 'login_1month' => '1 Month', 'login_forever' => 'Forever', ); ?>